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It's been over two years since I first started writing Forever Dead. Now, a few awards later and a book signing, I feel like I have accomplished one of the most amazing things any person could...recognition of hard creative work well done!

But the success of Forever Dead was only 50% on my, the rest is because of all of you. Without the many support (and even the critisim) I would have never continued on to finish the story. And to show my appreciation to all of you. I am having a contest!!! Well, technically two....


Winners will receive:

A shout out and dedication in my next story.

A signed letter from myself thanking you for your hard work (Out of USA depending on postage price)

A facebook blast of your story or art, gaining you more fans and notice

AND the best will receive the first chapter to my Forever Dead sequel with a few different ideas of how I want the story to go and you will be able to give me feedback and ideas in which I will incorporate into my story, ultimately deciding how the story will go.

Step 1: Like my facebook fan page (only fans on facebook will be eligible. If you do not have access to facebook, private message me)

Step 2: Follow my twitter (same rules above apply)

Step 3: complete one of the following:::


This contest was inspired by


whom has started writing a fan fiction of Forever Dead (go check it out it's amazing!) In this contest, I want you gals and guys to write your own fan fiction of Forever Dead. It can be an imagined sequel, a prolugue, a follow up with some of the minor characters, a view point of one of the other characters OR your own story using my characters and scenery in the plot. 

You can write as many chapters as you like, but you MUST dedicate them to me so I can see them and tag them as jclynnForever. Bonus points if you tweet it to me or share on facebook tagging my fan page.


I want my fans to be able to SEE the world I created, and thus, this contest is for the artists! I want you to draw a scene from my story, any one. (but the more elaborate the better) Use lots of colors and detail. If you choose to draw a character as well, please stick to how they are portrayed in the story, just so we can stay true to the characters. The best drawing will win and be posted in the sequel to Forever Dead. 

You must share them on my facebook fan page or tweet them to me. I must be able to see it CLEARLY and PERFECTLY in order to decide. If you so choose, you may mail them to me as well. If that is the choice you make then private message me for an address. 

All of my facebook and twitter info is on my profile page. I can't wait to see and read your submissions!!! Best of luck to all of you!

CONTEST ENDS DECEMBER 31 12AM (if for some reason you cannot make the deadline please private message me) 

Love you guys! xoxo and kittens :) 

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