Forever Dead ::20:: One evil...One good...Which one are you?

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Hey everyone! So holiday season is officially over!!! No more people spending their giftcards! I now can commit so much more time to my stories. My mom is doing better and she only has 1 more surgery to go before all is well. Thanks for all your understanding! There's only about 10 more chapters left in this story, but I want to finish my other 2 also! Enjoy :) 

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I dived into the fountain and swam quickly to her body. Once I felt the denim of her overalls under my hands I yanked, pulling the body out.

Her face was pale and she wasn’t breathing, her overalls tinged red. I looked everywhere for a wound but couldn’t find it, so I did the only thing I could think of.

“I don’t even know cpr.” I sent out a silent prayer and did what all the movies said to do; plugged her nose and opened her mouth. I was a centimeter away from her lips when I heard a giggle.

“I’m telling the Prince you’re a pedophile!” I looked down to see Angel staring up at me with her big eyes, smirking. I sat back on my knees, shocked.

“Your okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, you should have seen your face! You were like ‘ooooo’” she twisted her face into an ugly one, sticking out her tongue.

“But, the blood…” I said, looking back to see the still red water.

“Berries. I got you!” Angel stood and danced around my shocked body. I pursed my lips and instantly felt the anger erupt in me. My arm moved without me willing it to, snatching Angel by the wrist.

“If you ever do something like that again, you will regret it.” I whispered, my voice deadly.

“Is that a threat?” No trace of fear on her face.

“Count on it.” I gritted my teeth and she narrowed her eyes as my grip tightened.

“Let go of me.” I broke my eye contact when I saw her wince. This wasn’t me. I wasn’t an evil person, I didn’t threaten children. I shook off the feeling of power building up in my body I looked around to see if there was any damage, but saw everything was intact.

“Angel. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You scared me. I thought you were dead.” I furrowed my brows and stood up, awkwardly putting my hands Into my wet pockets.

“Whatever.” She answered, looking down at her feet. In this moment I have never seen a child look so vulnerable. Angel was a cruel kid, but there was a reason for it. I just needed to find out what.

“Come on, lets go get changed.” I held out my hand for her to take, but she refused and made her way back inside the house, me following behind her.

“Ha, What happened to you? You look like a drowned cat on crack.” Mandy said as we entered the kitchen.

“Yeah well, we took a little swim. What’s wrong with you? You just look like your on crack…” I smirked and walked into the hall, Angel following.

“Yeah whatever!” Mandy shouted behind me. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs.

“That girl is horrendous.” Angel said behind me.

“Yeah, you got that right.” I smiled down at her, but she didn’t return it.

“Well, this is my room.” I said, opening the door wide for her to come in.

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