Oc Bomb pt 3/4

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Counter clockwise or the formation of a G

Smaller versions are next to larger

Juila: Queen of magical creatures that sees all except for that she has one eye

Stacy: A slut. That's it

Abby: Dessert princess controlling the west
Sahara by her fingers

Inez: Fairy Godmother to Abby

Ezra: The normal kid that lives down to blocks away from you

Part 4

Top to bottom(right to left)

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Top to bottom(right to left)

Daphne: Basically a Magical Elf Jesus
Ra: An android designed to hide her face in numerous things, hates everyone except Wu
India: Forest princess
Wu: A transforming creature. He can turn into an anthropomorphic rabbit or a human with a similar resemblance.

Yes you can draw these but tag me when finished 🙂

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