(Mark walks up from sleeping on the airplane which is about to land in Ireland)Attendant: *buss* we are now arriving in Ireland, plz make way to ur seats and thank u for traveling with us *buss* (airplane lands and mark makes it out and grabs his bags without getting spotted by fan girls or guys and makes his way to the exit) Mark: k i got his address, but how will i get- (mark spots a taxi) *runs towards the taxi with his hand in the air trying to get it* mark: hey can i get a ride to my friend's house? *huffs* Taxi driver: yea sure get in (mark gets all his stuff in the taxi and the taxi driver drive's into the city) *a half hour later* (the driver pulls up to the apartment that jack lives in and mark gets out with his stuff) Taxi driver: 5.79 plz Mark: yea.. sure right, here u go *gives money* (the taxi driver drives away and mark makes his way to jacks apartment) *2 minutes later* (mark knocks on jacks door) Mark: Jack?!? Are u home? JAAAAACKKKKKKKKK?????? HELLO??????????? (mark knocked on the door too much where jack's next door neighbor, the landlord, comes out of his house) Landlord: what do u what? Mark: im just here to check on jack Landlord: no one of the name jack lives there Mark: oh i mean Sean, his nickname i call him is jack Landlord: oh then here let me help you *grabs keys and opens jack's place* he hasn't been here in a while, he probably over seas in America Mark: uhh thxs i guess Landlord: oh and if ur fooling me kid, u will get it Mark: yes sir *mark takes his stuff inside jacks house* jaaaaaaaaack??? *starts looking all over the apartment* jaaaaaaaack??? *mark looks in every room in the house* Mark: where is jack? *mark looks outside* its getting late i should get some sleep, but first *makes a call* *call is picked up* Felix: hey u made it, any sign of jack? Mark: no the landlord said he hasnt been here for a while Felix: Crap Mark: indeed, i try to find him tomorrow but its getting late here in Ireland Felix: what are u talking about? Its noon here Mark: well i cant exactly find him in the dark now can i? Felix: i guess ur right, call me later Mark: k *ends call* (mark goes lay on jack's couch and sleeps till morning)
Septic Eye Mission
FanfictionYoutubers search for the missing Jacksepticeye, who will see him missing first?