Day 9/ part 9

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Part 9/ day 9
(Jack starts to wake up in the morning the next day and the 3 see him waking up and jack is looking around expecting being cuffed and locked in a dark black room) Bob: jack are you wake? Jack: where.. am... i? Wade (yells): YOUR GOING TO BE FINE (bob and felix hits wade) Felix: your in a hospital Jack: what happen? How? (Then jack remembers the guy in black and the torture the guy gave him and he starts to freak out and the machine that jack is hooked on beeps) THE GUY IN BLACK! HE WILL FIND ME HERE AND CUT ME MORE!! (nurses come in) Bob: your fine, police got him in custody (jack calms down and the nurses leave) Jack: who found me? Felix: Mark found you in the woods by the road yesterday Jack: were is he (the 3 looked at each other and noded) Felix: you might what to see for yourself (Felix opens thw curtain that hid Mark that was still in a coma) Jack: what the hell happen to him? (Jack kept looking surprised at Mark) Felix: they said that as soon as Mark found you, he went after the guy and got stabbed while doing so, you 2 almst died if it wasnt for his taxi driver, mark like knew where to find you Jack: im glad you guys came Wade: and hopefully Mark doesnt die (bob and felix hits wade) Jack: WHAT?!?!?! Felix: nothing serious, just a stab close to the heart Jack: and it was all my fault Bob: no its not jack, its are fault for not going with Mark Wade+Felix: yea (jack stays in his bed and the other 3 waits for Mark to wake up as well)

(Meanwhile in the woods)
(Landlord keeps running though the woods and stops at a tree) Landlord: i.. got ... to ... keep ... running *huffing* (keeps running after hearing dogs) *3 hours later* (landlord stumbles across a house and makes a plan to get rid of the dogs and kills a squirrel neadby and goes inside and walks everywhere in the house and leaves the squirrel in a hard place to find it and jumps out of a window and into a tree and climbs more trees and feel onto the ground and keeps running)

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