Love and Blood #2

106 5 3

Time skip

Jack pov

I woke up seeing white... Blurry white in front of me. What happen? Where am I? Who am I?

My vision clears and I look around and see one of the hot male I ever layed my eyes apond

He looked koren and German. With firely red hair. Melting sparely dark chocolate eyes. Cute pale lips. And his hair style sway.

"you ok JAck?" he asks me

"where are we?" 

"well lets find out" He helps me up and we looks around. 

Im home and in love with this german and koren mix

~3rd person~

Bob, Mark and Wade have watched their friend die infront of their eyes. Mark died a week later from depression and lost of Jack. 

Bob and Wade bury them both together under a cherry tree. so they can rest in peace 

~the end of Love and Blood ending~

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