How I Met Him

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We all know how it works. I neither own One Piece nor its characters. They all belong to Oda.
(Ps. It's my first time writing a fanfic in english or writing a fanfic in general, so i would really appreciate it if you guys would give me a feedback. ^^ )

(f/n) - first name
(l/n) - last name
(f/c) - favorite color

It's been a week since you left your home and you were stupid enough for not taking enough provisions with you.

That was not that big of a deal for you though, because the last days you spend them either for hunting food in the woods or stealing fruits from the sellers.

That's one of the reasons why your parents despised you. You were the total opposite of them. A rebel who never listens to her parents and wants to do what she desired. But at least you treated humans not poorly like your family does.

However, you had no idea what to do now. At first you just wanted to leave the hell house but now you feel lost and alone.
'Well, it's still better than being held captive  by boring nobles' you thought.

When you were walking across the street with your face covered under a hat, you made sure not to gain too much attention but you failed when the people awkwardly stared at you. You were not unknown especially in this city. The citizens deeply hated your family and automatically you too because your parents have the weird habit to treat people horribly. You felt sorry for them but can't understand why they also hated you when you did nothing wrong. Well, you could care less and continued to walk past the mass, ignoring the stares and insults you got.

Le Time Skip~

It was starting to get dark and you went to your favorite place where no one could disturb you. Or that's what you thought.

You sat down on a swing that is attached to a tree limb and looked straight to the ocean, where a beautiful sunset takes place.
How you wished you could leave this island and start a new life.
Longing for freedom, missing the adrenaline in your life you never really had.

You were so deep in thought and self-pity that you didn't recognised the change of the waves at first. It was then when you checked to see what was going on, only to be surprised by a yellow submarine anchoring.

'Fuck, pirates!' After realizing that, you immediately sprinted to the next bush  hiding yourself and prayed for not being caught by them, but couldn't help the strange feeling of excitement filling you.

Watching the pirates discussing something you didn't understand, you heard a loud, deep voice explaining his comrades their tasks.

You dared to go out from your hiding spot a little, to take a better look at the tall guy who you thought was the captain.

"SO HOT!!" You accidentally screamed, shutting your mouth with your hands and cursed at yourself. You hoped they didn't hear you but you knew they would be deaf if they didn't.


"Eh? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" You pointed to a blue sphere that gets bigger till you were inside it.


Everything went black for a moment before feeling the hard ground against your face.

"Well, i suppose you ate a devil fruit and that explains your magic trick from before but was that really necessary?" you angrily said, wiping away the dust from your (f/c) dress.

"Was screaming that I'm hot then necessary?" He replied with a smirk.

You started blushing because of embarrasment and wanted to look away, but something about this jerk was so mesmerizing that you couldn't.

Especially his grey eyes were beautiful, even if he looked a bit tired.

Before you could say anything, he started talking again.

"I assume that youre from a rich family, so how come i see a young, pretty lady walking all by herself in the dark?" he asked you with a stern face.

"How did you know?"

"Your dress doesn't look like it's that cheap," he stated.

"Unfortunately, yes I am but I ran away and now I don't have a place I can go to." you simply said.

"Are you stupid?" this guy asked, smirking again.

'Is he even human?' you thought to yourself. "Of course you wouldn't get it. Nevermind, it was nice meeting you bye.."

"Wait, I'm not done with you."

"What now?" You were already annoyed by his cocky personality and wanted to leave.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but you're
(f/n) (l/n), the daughter of a royal family who are secretly working under Doquixote Doflamingo's orders, am I right?"

Your eyes widen at how much this little shit knows about you and your family.

"Yes, that's right but you can count me out. I'm not working for him only my family does."

"(f/n)-ya, I want you to join my crew."

"Wait, WHAT?! B-but I don't even know your name and why should I join you in the first place?"

The man in front of her gave her a surprised look that she didn't recognised him but immediately replaced it with his normal, stoic face.

"My name is Trafalgar Law, the captain of the heart pirates. The reason why I want you in my crew is to annoy doffy and because i kinda feel bad for you.

It was then, when it hit you. You finally had an opportunity to escape from everything! You still had to think about it a little though.

"What's your answer?" Law waited, a bit annoyed.

"I'm in!" saying that, you smiled brightly at your new captain.

"I didn't expect less" he smirked at you holding your hand. "Let me guide you," Law made his way to the submarine with his new blushing recruit behind him.

"The others went to the city to buy some supplies, you'll get to know them later," you ignored what he said, because you were too concentrated looking at how his hand is holding yours, what made you blush even more, if humanly possible.

'Is that actually a dream?' you thought with mixed feelings.

End of chapter one

I made it guys! ( ' ' ) That was the first chapter of my very first fanfiction and i'm sorry it's not that long but i hope you still enjoyed reading it.

I dont know how many chapters it will be.. but i'll try not to keep it that short.

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