Strong Feelings

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I'm back with another chapter, rejoice!.. i know im a bad author for making rly slow updates but i hope you didn't mind that much.

I also hope that you like this chapter as well bc its the last one.
thanks for keeping up with ma lazy ass i really appreciate it c:

After your crew left water seven, you had to stay here more for the time being. The strawhats ship was unusable and they really needed a new ship to be able to set sail again.

All this time you were training and trying to figure out your ability and their techniques. You have to be prepared because if you arrive you'll meet law and have to confront doflamingo. You can't let it happen that this person takes away your freedom and happiness ever again.

Weeks passed and you still didn't hear a thing from your crew. Luffy told you about the Vivre card that Law gave him, so you did everything to persuade Luffy to follow the card. You grew impatient because it's been too long and you haven't reached the place where the other half from the vivre card is. To think that he made a choice by himself without asking about your opinion made you really frustrated. You knew he made that to protect you, but what was the point of giving you the devilfruit then?

Suddenly Sanji came with a shrilling voice and a plate of food towards you. ''(Y/N)- darlinnng~ I made some delicious food, only for youuu! He greeted you with a salto somehow without spilling food and bowed dramatically before you.

You smiled at his action. ''Thank you Sanji, but I don't really have an appetite right now." "You should take better care of yourself, m'lady.'' Sanji insisted that you take just one bite. He put the plate beside you and left you alone.

You blinked to the others and saw how cheerful and carefree everyone was. Having them by your side puts you more at ease, but you still feel a little guilty about dragging them into this situation.

You were holding the vivre card and stared at it. The vivre card was able to show if the person that this card belongs to was in danger. But thankfully the card didn't flare up.
For now.

All of a sudden the card was about to fall off of your hands while pointing to a certain area. You looked up and could see an island in the horizon. It was really huge and astounding.

"It seems like we almost arrived at Dressrosa" You could hear nami say.


"Listen Law..," A man with a deep voice was speaking to the chained,motionless captain, and had a sly grin on his face.

"If you tell me where (Y/n) is, I won't have to hurt you and your pathetic crew members. Will you make it easy for me?" I didn't respond and kept my head down. Just looking at him makes my blood boil, and not being able to move my body and chop my enemy's head off makes it even worse.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer and after a few seconds feel a hand grabbing the back of my head and pushing it back, forcing me to look at him. "I won't tell you a damn thing, you can't take her away from us, she belongs to my crew!" I growled at him.

Doflamingo looked amused and his grip became more violent. "We'll see, fufufu"

Your POV

"We need to hurry up guys!!" You shouted behind you at the strawhats. The vivre card started to burn up, which means that Law is in serious trouble. You run as fast as possible but the way to the castle seems endless.

You almost reached the front gate and sigh in relief. But then it happened. You heard a loud crash coming from above and the next thing you saw was a person falling from the window to the sunflower field. You were in shock and couldn't see a thing, the dust was blurring your vision. You step closer to the person and in your disbelief saw Law. "LAAW!" You screamed and run after him.

A Choice with Consequences Trafalgar Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now