Human Trafficking

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You almost reached the auction house you've been searching for a while now. Having a terrible sense of direction made you wonder how you found it in the first place, but it didn't matter now. You wanted to hurry up and find the others.

'I hope Law is doing okay.." You were worried about him, but knowing that he is strong and can defend himself, you concentrated on your mission now. And that was to collect all your crewmates. At least you think it is. You were about to go inside the big house until your eyes catches a sign above the entrance.

"Human..? This is an auction house so why would they-" your eyes widen at realisation. "THIS IS ABOUT TRAFFICKING??" You shouted, earning the attention from people near you. "I can't believe this..!" You were in shock right now and didn't notice strangers approaching you.

"Oh look, look~ the girl over there! I think we won't meet the boss with empty hands after all."

You turned to the source where the voice came from and saw a big guy with a stingy attire and behind him were a few other, um 'bandits'?

"Are you talking to me?" Something tells you to be wary of them, so you try to step away from them.

"Of course we are, you seem like a nice catch. I think your beauty will attract a lot of customers."

"What are you talk-" before even finishing your sentence you could feel a sharp pain in your neck. Looking behind you, you see that a man just gave you a syringe shot. The liquid made you feel weak and caused you to have a blurry vision.

"Sleep tight~" that was the last thing you heard from the stranger before completely passing out.

Le Time Skip~

a man with long hair and star sunglasses was talking to the audience through his transmitter that he was holding, "COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE NEW SLAVES WE'VE CAPTURED! They'll all be introduced to you of course, so you can decide which one suits you the best. I'm not going to let you guys wait any more,LET THE HUMAN AUCTION BEGIN!

The man shouted in his transmitter and the audience was full of cheer and applause, excited about what awaits them. The hall is crowded with an estimated amount of two hundred people, there are also a few celestial dragons in the first row who seemed mildly interested about the whole thing. It was inhuman.

Inside the hall was a big commotion, while Law was standing outside in front of the entrance. He was about to go inside but he waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. Law didn't wait long as he saw his three comrades approaching him. "Yo, Captain! Sorry we took long, but something came up.."  Shachi apologized to his captain and handed him a key. "To think that our Captain is kind enough to free all the slaves.. What is the occasion?" Penguin was curious now and asked his Captain about it.

"Let's just say to piss off the world government." Law declares and put the key in his pockets.
"Where's (f/n)?"

"Huh? Wasn't she with you, captain?"

"She was, but I told her to get lost while I was trying to distract that damn Kizaru."

"Uuuh, well.. she's not with us. Maybe she is inside the auction house and is waiting for us, how about we go inside to see if she's there.." As the crew was looking for you in the dark hall, the announcer already started off with an infamous pirate, catching attention from a few people.

"This pirate is a well known, excellent fighter and extremely loyal. I promise you, having him as a slave would bring you all glory and savety in your life... LET'S BEGIN WITH THE DEAL! HOW MUCH WILL YOU, MY DEAR CUSTOMERS, OFFER."

"I offer 200.000 beri!!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

"Ooooh, a fine price for a fine pirate! Do i hear more?"

"500.000 beri!" Another added.

"I OFFER 1.000.000 BERI!!!"  A rich woman passed the previous ones.

"1.000.000 beri, going once, going twice, going three times, SOLD! The man standing on stage, thanked the woman for her cooperation and ensures that the sold slave gets prepared for his new owner and handed her the key for the choker around the pirates neck.

At the meantime, Law and the others were still searching for you, but they were about to give up, knowing that youre not among the crowd.

"Let's get going with our next catch!"

As the strange man said this, the coworkers carried you to the stage. You were still on drugs and couldn't fully comprehend what was going on. you were scared and angry at the same time how all these people were staring at you. After glaring at the audience for a while you made eye contact with an furious looking captain.
"Captain.." You say under your breath.

She is as beautiful as the Ocean and has pretty, long (h/c) hair. A lively girl that will make sure your house won't be a boring place! Whether you want her as a maid or a dancer, it's your choice!! Shall we begin~?

"I WILL PAY 50.000.000 BERI FOR HER!!"  It was a female world noble who, without a hesitate, offered that much beri.

"That's quite generous of you, madame~ Is someone ready to pay more? No? Then... Go- "


" What is going on!!!" The announcer was suprised when a blue sphere could be seen.

"Shambles" Law says and with the blink of an eye, Law was holding you by your waist to support your weak body.
You smiled at him relieved.

"OI! What are you doing to my slave! You won't get away with this." Suddenly click sounds could be heard in a rhythm.

Your eyes widen, "Law!! This thing is going to explode!" You panicked but Law was trying to hold you still and took his key out of his pockets. "Hold still," he demanded, putting the key inside the keyhole.   [don't even think about it..]

You are released from the choker now but it didn't stop the ticking noise. Penguin took it away from Law's hand and runned outside to throw it away. "Don't kill yourself." Law quickly said to Penguin.
The next thing you heard was an explosion coming from outside and Penguin came back with a grin on his face. "Mission accomplished."

"Listen, guys," Law suddenly called out, "your task is it to free all the slaves." Law handed over the key back to is crew.

"What about you, captain?" Shachi asked him.

" I take care of our enemies, hurry up now!" Law strictly commanded, still holding your fragile body. "Bepo!"

"Yessir!" The bear saluted.

" Bring (f/n) to our ship, I'll take care of them."

"Understood!" Bepo was holding you now and was about to escape but you stopped him.

"Captain!.." The man turned around to face you, "Don't get in trouble.." You huskily say.

"(f/n), what are you saying, I am already in trouble, but thanks for your concern." He smirked at you. You gave him a last smile before Bepo left the auction house with you in his arms.

End of chapter four


see ya in the next chapter~

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