Smile for Me

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Helloo! The new chapter is finally out ◝(⁰▿⁰)
This chapter takes place after you left the auction house. Shortly thereafter an incident happened at the place but i dont want to spoil you guys, huehue. And i see that i have more readers. Yaay~


It's been two hours and Law and the others are still not back from their mission. You got tired of waiting for them and decided to clean the submarine.

But before doing your chores you wanted to change your clothes into fitting ones. But as you remembered that you didn't take any clothes with you, you went to Law's room to borrow a big sized t-shirt to wear.

You started gathering all the dust you could find. After finishing the bedrooms and the kitchen you went to the operation room. You were actually interested what kind of things were behind this door the first day Law showed you around. But he warned you that if you enter he'll make sure your limbs would be scattered all around an island. It would be a lie to say you weren't scared at his warnings but the adrenaline didn't want you to worry about your limbs.

You entered the chilly room and you immediately were surrounded with a lot of books and tables accross the room. The room had a standard hospital smell and you didn't disliked it. It somehow reminded you of Law and his bed, both smelled the same. Thinking of him caused you to have a slight blush accross your cheeks. You brushed off the thoughts and wanted to do your task when suddenly loud footsteps could be heard and shortly after were followed with a loud Penguin shouting.

"HURRY UP GUYS, IT'S AN EMERGENCY!"  You were startled by this and almost let go of the cleaning cloth. Penguin entered the room with the others following him quickly. Bepo was holding an unconscious Law in his arms. "W-what happened to him?" You immediately asked them with concern.

"Oh, (f/n) you are here? Law has severe blood loss and needs a blood transfusion now. Could you quickly bring me a blood bag? Blood type AB."
Penguin says and you ran to the cold storage room.

"Bepo, bring Law to the operating table so we can start the treatment..  It's a relief Law teached us how to do a blood transfusion or else we would be screwed," Shachi sighed.

After preparing the blood bag the treatment began. An intravenous line is placed onto laws body, so that he can receive the blood. You anxiously stayed beside him and were holding his hand, praying he would wake up any second. The process lasted one hour until the transfusion was complete. You waited until you could feel him tighten his grip, making you jump out of joy.

"GUYS, HE WOKE UP!!" You yelled.
"Really? I'm so glad. Captain, how are you feeling?" Shachi asked his captain with concern written on his face.

Law first looked at the ceiling then to Shachi to respond. " I'm good, thanks to you guys.." His gaze slowly went to his stomach to see clasped hands.

"Ehem, (f/n) is there a reason why we are holding hands?" He asked.

"Well, i was worried sick because of you so i had to share my frustration with you." You then let go of his hand and averted his gaze.

He smiled at your reaction and took your hand again.
"No need to be shy (f/n)-ya," he says making you have a red face.

After one day Law recovered pretty fast and continued doing his usual routine.
You wondered how and who hurt him so badly but he didn't want to answer any of your questions. Making you more frustrated.

You wanted to go to the library to waste some time because you were bored. However, you stopped walking when you heard two familiar voices. You hide yourself behind a bookshelf and started eavesdropping.

"Captain, are you serious?? Why would he be after her," a bewildered voice could be heard. You were pretty sure it was Penguins voice. "I have a guess why he would, just do what i tell you and keep an eye on her. Tell me if something is off." The other deep voice belongs to Law. You were curious at what they were talking about and wanted to listen from a closer distance but all of a sudden, books started falling of the shelf. You panicked and tried to get out of here before they found you but it was already too late.

"(f/n), what are you doing here?" You first thought of an excuse and then turned around to face them. "Eh umm.. I wanted to learn more about human anatomy, thats why i came here ah haha.." "Oh really? Here are only historical books though. If youre looking for medical books they're in my room." He said and teasingly added,"I can also teach you about it if you are really that interested." He gave you that damn, infamous smirk that made you weak everytime "N-no thanks! I'm capable of learning on my own, but thanks for the offer," you sprinted outside to escape the awkward situation.

You went to Law's room and threw yourself on the bed. Your heart still raced about what he said and you almost laughed at yourself for reacting that way. You got up from the bed, walked towards Laws bookshelf and picked out a book to distract yourself. You already forgot about the previous conversation between the two men.

After reading only like two pages, your eyes started getting heavier. You closed the book and put it on the nightstand. You were about to close your eyes when suddenly the door opened and you saw Law entering the room. "(f/n), i need to discuss something with you." That was the first thing he said after he sat down on the edge of the bed. You started to have a dark shade of pink and stuttered like crazy, "A-are you t-t-talking about earlier?? I already told you i don't need any he-" Law cut you off midsentence by placing a finger on your lips. He just stared at you while you were getting more nervous. 'What is happening right now??!??' You thought and didn't know what to do. Law's eyes were still focused on you. You slowly opened your mouth to say something when suddenly, he started to chuckle.

"I'm just teasing you, relax. Actually, i wanted to talk to you about something else. You looked at him dumbfounded and mentally slapped yourself. "O-oh, why didn't you say so before? What's the matter?" You waited for an answer but silence filled the room. His smile faded and instead looked at you very serious.

"Doflamingo is after you."

End of chapter five

A Choice with Consequences Trafalgar Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now