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"Hey, Tae. Let's go out!" Jimin barged in our room looking so lively as ever.

"Sirheo. Just go without me." I refused as always.

He went to my side and pulled the book I'm reading away from me. "Loosen up, bro. You never went out with us except when there's events that you have no choice but to go."

"Jimin.. I'm not in the mood for this. Give me back that book." I tried to reach it but this midget gently throw it on the floor.

"No! you're going out with us. C'mon Tae.. it's been two years. Two years since she left. Two years since you've been like this. You need to atleast unwind yourself to forget those. Her."

I look at him, dead in the eyes for spitting out those kinds of words infront of me.

"C'mon, punch me. Do it. I know you want to because of what I've just told you. But so you know, nothing will change if you keep on caging yourself inside this room."


He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. "Let's get you change."


"Woah!! There are so many people today." Jungkook spat.

"Yeah. So it's better if we stick together so no one will get lost nor get mobbed, alright?" Namjoon hyung commanded.

They sure love going to amusement parks. Well... I do too, but not anymore. It will only remind me of the past, the past where I was still with her. But I have no choice but to go because they all forced me to.

Jimin and Hoseok hyung dragged me everywhere they go, making me go with them in every ride they go into. They never let go of my hands, makes me question their sexuality if it wasn't for Jimin having a girlfriend.

Jungkook sometimes cheers me up by giving me cotton candies and buying me a bottle of bubbles to blow.

Just so you know, Jungkook and I are in good terms now. He already sincerely apologized for everything he'd done and I forgave him. I can't be in bad terms with him for that long because he's my bestfriend and we always are together.

"I'm starving." Hoseok hyung announced.

"Me too." Jin hyung added. "Why don't we go and grab something to eat first before continuing?" We all agreed and went to find a place to fill our now empty, grumbling stomachs.

After eating, we formed into a circle, deciding where to go next. I wander my eyes around while they're discussing. Then my eyes landed onto something...

....something I never thought of seeing again.

I broke away from Jimin's hold and went to that direction.

I fasten my pace, worried about missing it. Missing her.

She's here.

I never felt this alive so as long as I can remember. After two long years, I can finally see her again.

When I almost reached them, I grabber her shoulders and turned her around and hugged her.

"Babe.. who's that bastard?" A male voice was heard behind me.


I pulled away from her and my eyes widen.

She's not Jimae.

"Ya!! Who do you think you are huh? Hugging my girl just like that?!"


He was about to grabbed my collar when someone pulled me out of the situation. "We're really really sorry, sir. My friend just thought your girlfriend is someone we know. Again, we're really sorry for causing you trouble." Namjoon hyung looked at me. "Tae, apologized to them."

I just bowed and whispered my apology. Then Namjoon hyung dragged me back to the guys.

"What were you thinking?! You almost got punched there!" He scolded me as soon as we reached the others.


"Gosh! Kim Taehyung! Keep your thoughts together, will you?! If you keep on being like that, it won't be surprising anymore if you'll catch a fight. Can you understand me?" He just blabber here and there and I don't give a single shit about it. My mind is nowhere near me because of the disappointment I just experienced.

I started walking away from them.

"Ya! Where are you going?" Yoongi hyung asked.

"Home." I simply stated then continued walking.

As I reached our dorm, I went straight to my room and just lay on my bed, eyes staring at the ceiling.

It's been two years. Two fucking years. But I just can't forget her. Whatever I do, wherever I go, I always see her. Today's an example that's the reason why I don't want to go out.

I've already reflected on my mistakes a million times, but I guess she's not coming back anymore.

I always ask Seoyoung where she is but always tells me she doesn't know either. But I know well enough that she does. I sometimes caught her talking to her on the phone when she's with us. I guess she told her not to tell me.

Everytime we don't have a schedule, I go to her house and stay infront of it for the whole day, hoping to get a chance to see her and talk to her. But I always fail. No one ever enters and exits that door ever since. Guess she moved out too.

The guys and Seoyoung are always checking me if I'm not doing anything stupid like cutting my wrist or hanging myself because of severe depression. Severe longing for her.

And that's the only reason why I still stood strong. It's because of them and our fans. They still believe in me even if I myself don't. But without them, I guess I won't be in any need in this world.

Because mine's already gone.


"Tae, manager hyung wants to talk to us. Right now." Jimin told me before leaving the room again.

I stood up and went to the living room where all of them are already there.

"Here's your schedule for the next few weeks." He handed us a paper.

"Better go pack your bags now because we're leaving for L.A the day after tomorrow for an event. And after that, we'll be having a vacation. Sajangnim thought it was a good idea to give you guys a break. How's that sound?"

Cheers can be heard by the sudden announcement of our manager.

He stood up. "That's all I wanted to tell you. Don't pack too much, okay? Just pack just the necessary. We don't want to lose anything again, do we?" We all nodded then he left.

"Woah!!! A vacation! Woohooo~~" Hoseok hyung shouted as loud as ever.

"Yeah... A time to relax and to forget everything." Jin hyung added.

Yeah... to forget everything. I'll keep that suggestion up.

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