BreNdOn diEd aND tuRneD inTo SatAN CauSE oBVioUsLY. hE tOlD mastEr SatAn ThAt hE haD NeW clOThES foR hIm thAt oNlY SmARt aNd IntEllIgEnT pEopLe COulD seE. MaSteR sATeN belIeVeD breNDoN fURRRRRY sO MAstRr sAtaN waS AlL drEsSeD uP BuT NaKEd. ThEn BreNDon bEcaMe thE ruLer oF alL AlOnG wiTh SarAh becAuSe shE slAyS so Yea. WeRE alL mIniOns of ThE uRiEs nOw oK Bai.
(A/N For all you young ones that is actually the story behind emperor's new clothes)