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"No, I can't stop."
Closer; Chainsmokers ft. Halsey

Sabrina Foster was cursed.

Three years ago, when her hair was still a ghostly white, her parents disappeared in a snow storm- a snow storm she had caused. They had been running from her.

Because she was a monster.

The idea that she was cursed was just an excuse she had put into her head. A reasonable explanation for what was happening to her.

She needed to know.

And that's why she ran away to Beacon Hills.


"Here you go miss..." The secretary paused, her brown eyes running across the schedule she was about to hand the red haired girl.

"Foster," she smiled, placing the thin, white sheet into Sabrina's small hand. The small girl gave a small, innocent smile in response, curling her fingers around the schedule, even if she didn't mean it. The last place she wanted to be was school.

Sadly, however, she had to in order to find the person who was to help her. Sabrina knew she had to lay low, and what better way than to pretend as if she was a normal teenager, going to a normal high school, in a normal little Californian town.

But, oh how she was wrong.

If only Sabrina had trusted her gut the first day, first period, in her English class. She should've known then and there that this town was not normal.

The redheaded teenager slumped into Mrs. Blake's English class, her books clutched to her chest and sleeves of her green jacket pulled down over her hands. Sabrina kept her head low, but it didn't stop the entire class of people who were very familiar with each other to notice the bright haired new girl. Way to lay low, she thought to herself, sitting in the back of the classroom. A strawberry blonde sat down in front of her, her red head spinning around to stare at her.

Sabrina coughed uncomfortably, neither of them looking away. The girl narrowed her eyes. "Nice hair," she said, a hint of teasing in her eyes, "I'm Lydia."

"Sabrina," she told the strawberry blonde quietly. Lydia pursed her lips and turned around after that, talking to the slender, tall boy beside her.

Sabrina ignored the strange interaction as a few phones around her buzzed, then her own as well. The boy beside Lydia starting reading the text message they all received.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under-" He read, but what cut off by the teacher as she walked in.

"An overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness," Ms. Blake read. Sabrina recalled the line of one of the many books she had read, Heart of Darkness, but was more concerned on the fact that the teacher had all of their personal cell numbers.

"This is the last line of the first book we are going to read," she continued, "It's also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone."

Sabrina turned off her phone, shoving it back in her jacket pocket, and she caught the eyes of the boy beside her, the one who had spoken to Lydia. As Ms. Blake started to speak, he extended a hand to her.

"I'm Stiles."

She eyes his hand warring. Sabrina didn't shake hands with people, most times because they noticed how freezing cold her own were. "Sabrina Foster." Stiles withdrew his hand slowly, noticing she wasn't planning on shaking it, and was about to say something else, but the teacher interrupted him.

"Mr. McCall?" Ms. Blake said. A tan skinned boy in the front raised his head and stood, Ms. Blake leading him into the hall.

Sabrina played with her sleeves, pulling them down over her hands. She was afraid of frosting up the desk and one of the other kids noticing.

The teacher came back in a few seconds later, starting to talk again, and Sabrina heard a thunk on the window. Her orange head snapped over to see blood and feathers splattered against the glass, and dozens of more birds flying at it as well.

There was a crash and the glass broke, birds flying only the classroom. "Get down!" Ms. Blake screamed as the crowd flew overhead. Sabrina felt her hands grow colder as she hit the ground and under the desk as birds flew at her head. Students screamed, and Sabrina saw the floor frost underneath her, with all the panic running through her veins.

She couldn't control it.


Later, after the birds had mysteriously dropped dead, the sheriff and some of the kids parents showed up. Sabrina sat alone on her desk, knees pulled to her chest as she surveyed the room. Lydia was speaking to the sheriff and Ms. Blake sat on her own desk.

Stiles walked over to Sabrina, eyeing her hair, before reaching forward and pulling a feather from it. "Sorry," he said when she flinched. He let the black feather drop to the ground. He leaned on the desk beside her, crossing his arms. Stiles chuckled to himself.

"Wonderful first day, huh?"


It was later that night, nearly 3 A.M, when Sabrina broke into her first store in Beacon Hills.

It was just a small, closed convenience store, that didn't open for another few hours. The area looked abandoned at the moment, and Sabrina wore a dark hoodie and dark jeans. She felt like A.

Kneeling in front of the door, she let her hand run over the handle, seeing the frost enter the lock and hearing it shatter with the intense cold. She smiled, proud of herself. Definitely getting better.

She pulled on the gloves she had brought, pulling on the zipper of her backpack, moving inside. It was dark, but the moon provided enough light for her to see.

Sabrina first raided to food. She grabbed Twinkie's, Funyuns, even some beef jerky. Three of her favorites. Then she moved to the waters, grabbing a few and stuffing them in her pack, following after that with some bandages and a phone charger, maybe even some things to heat in the microwave for dinner that night. It wasn't often she got one of those.

Sabrina laid a wad of cash on the red counter before she exited the store with a full backpack. She knew the money she left wouldn't cover it all, but no one would ever know.

Ironically, just as she thought that, a loud siren sounded, bright yellow lights burned into her back. She froze, her hands still on the handles of the door, her back to the police cars. "Drop the backpack and put your hands on the back of your head." Fear struck Sabrina in the heart, the backpack falling to her feet, hands to her head, and she turned slowly, spotting the sheriff through the bright lights in her eyes.

"Sabrina Foster, you're under arrest."



I've tried making a Stiles Stilinski fic but none of them worked out. This one I think will, bc I really live Sabrina already.

Shout out to those who say my shout out in Everything Has Changed. U da besttttttt

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