Day 1: Break the Rules (TCW)

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The armoury was dark and empty, as always. It was the perfect place to have secret meetings. The fact that Kaldonna wanted to meet here meant that whatever she was planning was probably against the rules.
Ahsoka's better judgement had told her to not to come, but for reasons unknown even to herself, she had stealthily made her way to the armoury as the suns set over Courascant.
When Kaldonna arrived, she was in a skirt and top Ahsoka had never seen before. The deep green fabric contrasted her brown feathers rather well.
Ahsoka herself had chosen a flowy turquoise shirt and simple brown trousers, worn with her usual burgundy boots.
Kaldonna looked her up and down.
"Nice," she observed, her voice genuine and without sarcasm.
"You too."
"So, what's this about?"
Kaldonna's eyes sparkled.
"We're going out."
Ahsoka was confused.
"Um... Out? Where? Why?"
"A club. We're going dancing."
Kaldonna grooved a bit by way of demonstration. The look Ahsoka gave her could have frozen a Tauntaun.
"Kal, we can't do that."
"Yeah we can."
"No, we can't. We're not allowed to."
"And that's exactly why we're going."
Ahsoka blinked at her. Kaldonna sighed.
"I'm sick of the rules, Ahsoka. I'm sick of meetings and politics and training and this whole damn war. I want to forget I'm a Jedi for one night, and just have some fun."
"Kal, I understand it's stressful," Ahsoka started gently. "But you can't just blow off the rules every time you feel like having fun."
"Not every time," Kaldonna replied, putting emphasis on the last two words. "Just tonight. Come on, you can't tell me you don't want a break."
Ahsoka started to speak, but hesitated. Truthfully, she was tired and irritated too. She longed for a peaceful day where she didn't have to worry about anything.
Kaldonna folded her arms, waiting.
"Fine," Ahsoka finally sighed. "But I'm only coming to make sure you don't get in trouble. I know the best way out of the Temple. Follow me."
The nightclub was packed with people. The bar was crowded, the dancefloor thronged with movers and grovers. Multi-coloured lights flashed and swooped around the darkened space, illuminating the patrons with fleeting neon rainbows. The music was deafening.
Ahsoka had never been to such a place. At least, never for fun. She doubted Kaldonna had either, but she took to it like a fish to water, leading the way onto the dancefloor. Ahsoka stuck close; if they got separated, she doubted she'd ever find Kaldonna again.
Kaldonna found a space, and after making sure Ahsoka had gotten through unscathed, she started to dance.
The tune of the music was coordinated with the lights. Kaldonna slipped easily into the rythm, closing her eyes as she moved; feet stomping, arms flailing, hips swishing to the beat.
Although Ahsoka knew it ought to look silly, it was somehow very precise.
Maybe it was the bird-girl's confidence. She didn't seem to mind being surrounded by so many people, didn't seem to care that her movements were so odd. She was smiling, happy, carefree.
Kaldonna twirled, opened her eyes, and saw that Ahsoka wasn't dancing.
"What are you doing just standing there?" She shouted to be heard over the noise. Ahsoka shrugged, blushing a little. She didn't want to admit that she'd never danced before.
"Don't be such a stiff! Just move, you'll figure it out!"
She continued swaying and jerking, looking like a lunatic but actually appearing quite at peace with her unorthadox dancing.
Ahsoka didn't move.
Kaldonna rolled her eyes, grabbed Ahsoka's hands, and started dancing with her.
"Come on, relax! Have some fun!"
She twisted side-to-side on the spot, making Ahsoka mirror her through their joined hands.
"I feel ridiculous!" Ahsoka shouted.
"That's the point!" Kaldonna laughed, releasing one of her hands to twirl her with the other. Ahsoka let out a surprised whoop as she did so, laughing as Kaldonna caught her hand again.
Slowly, Ahsoka loosened up, and she found the more she let go, the more she enjoyed herself. She watched Kaldonna dance and did her best to copy, then tried putting her own spin on the moves with mixed results that made them both laugh.
A new song played, a rolling tune with a pulsing beat that demanded twisting and hip-swinging.
Kaldonna tried not to stare as Ahsoka picked up the rythm of the music. Turquoise against orange, she was brilliant in the club lights. Ahsoka, for her part, was sure to sneak a few long glances at Kaldonna, who literally shimmered. Whatever fabric she was wearing, it sparkled when the light hit it.
There were more people dancing now, and they were forced to shrink their space until the two girls were so close they touched with every movement. Kaldonna fought to keep her mind functional as Ahsoka's hips brushed against hers briefly.
The music ended with a flourish and they both came to a standstill. Ahsoka laughed happily, leaning against Kaldonna as she tried to catch her breath. Kaldonna's already-pounding heart sped up.
The next song was slower and sweeter, so Kaldonna pulled Ahsoka's arms over her shoulders and settled her hands on the other girl's waist.
"What's this?" Ahsoka asked, a little giddy with exhaustion.
"A new type of dance you should learn," Kaldonna told her, hoping she didn't sound too smitten.
Ahsoka settled her arms around Kaldonna's neck and stepped closer, Kaldonna's hands sliding around to the small of her back as she did so.
"Teach me then."
Kaldonna walked Ahsoka through the steps of a semi-slowdance. The song was perfect for it, and Ahsoka picked it up quickly. Soon she was looking up at Kaldonna instead of down at her feet. Kaldonna grinned. Ahsoka just smiled and rested her head on Kaldonna's chest. Kaldonna settled her chin on top of Ahsoka's head, between her montrals, and closed her eyes.
Together, they danced late into the night.

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