Day 7: I wouldn't do that if I were you (GoT)

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The bear closed in, prowling with heavy steps toward Arya as she backed up across the uneven ground.
Her breath was fleeting in her throat, her heart thundering in her breast as the enourmous beast drew closer. Its teeth were bared; huge, sharp things of shining white bone.
Arya tripped.
Her heel snagged on a rock - or a root, perhaps, she wasn't sure - and she tumbled backwards down a slope.
Leaves and dirt caught in her nose and mouth, twigs stabbed at her, rocks smacked into her as she rolled and bounced down the incline.
She finally came to a halt and pushed herself to her hands and knees. She spat dirt and leaf litter from her mouth. Raising her head, she scanned the ridge above for the bear.
The beast was there, looking down at her as though curious as to why she had decided to fall backwards down the hill.
Arya frowned at the bear. It frowned back, black-furred face crinkling as it bared its teeth and roared.
The ground seemed to shake beneath her.
It started down the slope toward her, huffing and bellowing triumphantly.
Arya gave the animal a shaky grin.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
With a howl of fury, Nymeria sprang over the ridge.
The direwolf landed on the bear's broad back and latched her razor fangs into the scruff of its neck.
The bear roared again, this time in surprise, and whirled to try and face its new assailant. Nymeria dug long talons into the bear's thick skin as the monster rose onto its hind legs, swiping wildly to try and dislodge the wolf.
Arya was on her feet, sprinting for cover, taking the long way back up the ridge to avoid the fight.
The bear landed back on all fours, and Nymeria clambered her way onto its shoulders, snapping her jaws at the larger mammal's eyes. The bear shook, trying to dislodge her, but Nymeria's talons held firm.
Arya had reached the top of the ridge and scrambled up into the lower branches of a massive tree.
"Nymeria!" she called. The wolf's ears pricked up. "Come!"
With a final snap and growl, Nymeria threw herself from the bear's back and rocketed up the ridge to Arya's tree.
Arya had climbed a few branches higher. She beckonned to the direwolf.
"Come on Nymeria!"
The wolf crouched on its haunches, and jumped.
She landed on the lowest branch, scrabbled for purchase, and when she was steady, she leapt to the next one.
The bear was thundering up the ridge, charging for the escaping duo. By the time it reached the tree, girl and wolf were too high to reach.
The black beast roared its fury, standing on its hind legs to bash at the tree trunk, trying to shake its prey loose.
Arya hugged Nymeria tightly, pressing her against the bark of the trunk to prevent her from falling. Nymeria dug her talons into their branch and Arya fastened her legs around it. They held on for dear life.
After a few minutes of bashing and roaring, the bear gave up. Obviously the girl and the wolf were more trouble than they were worth.
Huffing and growling, it lumbered off into the forest.
Arya relaxed a bit, but continued to hug her lupine companion for a few minutes.
"Thanks for the save Nym," she said to the wolf. "I owe you a goose."
Nymeria licked her cheek by way of agreement, and Arya laughed.

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