part 2

13 1 0

Emma's P.O.V
1 month earlier:

I was sitting on my bed waiting for my mom to come home from work when my phone went off, it was Skype, but I never use Skype and have no contacts, so who could it be? I looked at it said " Mason Smith would like to add you as a contact, hit accept or decline."( I know that isn't what it would actually says) I hit accept.

Emma: Hey, Who is this?

Mason: Hi, friends are making me add a random girl on my Skype and talk to them for 1 hour until they get back

Emma: I rlly dont have time for this rn

Mason: ok:( I'm sorry, I'll leave

Emma: ugh...fine

Mason: yay! Let's Video chat for like 5 seconds so we know the other person isn't a fake

Emma: mmkay

-video chats for 5 seconds-

Mason: not to be weird or anything but your beautiful

Emma: thanks but that's not true I'm fat and ugly

Mason: LIES! Your not fat and your definably not ugly

Emma: you dont understand...

Mason: tell me plz..ur secret is safe with me I promise I won't tell anyone

Emma: my dad left us when I was 10 now I'm 13, my mom blames it on me so she calls me names and yells at me and sometimes hits me, people at school hate me and call me a freak when I have panic attacks and I cut my arms a no I'm not beautiful I'm ugly

Mason: wow, that's a lot to deal with I'm sorry, your a really strong person, do you have friends and I'm 13 also

Emma: no, I have no friend's and thanks

Mason: well now you do because I'm ur best friend

Emma: lol you'll be gone in a week

Mason: nah I'll stick around longer than 1 week

Emma: sure -_-

Mason: I live in Texas

Emma: same what city??

Mason: Houston, you?

Emma: Dallas

Mason: I gtg, I'll text tomorrow, don't cut anymore plz, and you are really beautiful!!

Emma: fine, bye!!

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