Chapter One.

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Chapter One.

"But Mom-" I started to say, rolling my eyes when she cuts me off. As usual, she wasn't listening to anything I was saying. It was boring having to hear her boss me around, just because she extracted me from her womanly womb.

"Blaze, you missed my wedding. You are coming home, right now. Do you even know who your new father and brother are?" It was a rhetorical question, because we both knew that I didn't. Mom had started to date again a year or two back, secretly keeping him and his son away from me. She wanted it to be a surprise when I find out who they were; I didn't want to know.

"But, Mom-" I said, trying again when she stopped to take a breath. Mom was being selfish again, she didn't ever really care about me.

"I've spoken to Eddie, he agrees that it's time for you to come home. I can't stand you being around that man for too long, he's a bad influence."

Mom soon started ranting about how she wishes she didn't meet him, making it all about her. Dad wasn't as bad as she made him out to be, he was great and he loved me. I looked around my room, staring at the clock in the lounge as it was the most interesting thing in the world. Compared to her ranting, it was.

"Anyway, Blaze. You will get on that plane, fly back to Washington and meet your brother and father. I will be waiting for you outside the airport, I do not to be waiting outside for you, only to find out that you haven't even gotten on the plane."

I could hear the anger in her voice, but the thought of her standing outside waiting for me to show up when I didn't even board the plane sounded tempting. Of course, she would throw a bitch fit and ground me until my body was weak and frail. A couple of minutes later, we said our final goodbyes and I called up my friend.

"Hey, Kelly. Are you busy right now?" I asked, fiddling with the loose cotton strand on my denim shorts. I could hear someone whispering to her, her breathing covered up what they were saying and it wasn't clear enough to know who they were.

"No, I can talk. Listen, when are you coming back?" I sighed, closing my eyes and rubbing my forehead.

"Tomorrow, I promise. Mom keeps bitching to me about the fact that I don't know who I'm going to be living under the same roof with, possibly for the next couple of years."

"At least until she can find another man to marry." Kelly joked, knowing that I didn't care what she said about Mom. Kelly had a close relationship with her mother, it was something she had that I didn't. I hummed as a response, not really wanting to talk about her anymore.

"How are the boys over there?" I could hear the smirk in her voice as she asked me. Kelly wasn't like me, she was the type to go up to boy and tell him that she found him attractive.

"Eh, I've seen better. I have to admit, the boy next door is cute in a nerdy way. To my dismay, he already has a girlfriend." After a couple of minutes of silence, she finally asks me, "Blaze, do you still have a crush on Seth Green?"

"I don't, what made you think that?" I deny, sitting up as the door to my father's house opens and his son walks in with his mother. They both smile at me, which I returned before standing up and going down into the basement.

"You stare at him every time he walks by you, Blaze. It's obvious, you can't deny you don't like him." I don't say anything, knowing that she was right and that I did stare at him.

"It doesn't matter anyway, he's probably getting gonorrhoea from the head cheerleader as we speak. That piece of shit, she ruins everything."

"I still can't believe he cancelled on you, just so he could go and have sex with her. He could have just asked you to have sex with him, you would have happily obliged." I scrunch up my face.

"Fuck you, Kelly. Seth is a piece of shit, an attractive piece of shit, but still a piece of shit. Amber is welcome to him, he's just like Logan. Yeah, they're both handsome and it feels great to stare at their faces, but their personalities are really ugly." I rested my free arm over my stomach and closed my eyes. Kelly whispers something to someone, but I don't intrude.

"Seth isn't as bad as Logan. Over the past two months, he hasn't been hooking up with as many girls as before. You'll be blown away, it's almost inspiring. Do you want me to come and pick you up at the airport?"

"Mom is, but thanks. I should go and pack, my flight leaves at six."

"Sure, go ahead. You're going to get blown away when you see who your mother married." I hum, mumbling a goodbye and hanging up. It takes me a while, before I actually get up and start packing away my things. I really didn't want to go home.

My Step-Brother. *Mid-Editing*Where stories live. Discover now