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As soon as I closed the hotel door everyone was chattering on where they want to go.
"Okay guys shut up!" They all laughed.
"So where does everyone wanna go?"
"The grove." Matt and Mark said.
"Downtown LA!" Annie and Hayley screamed.
"Shopping sounds good." Loren announced.
"I love dad monument." Caleb said. We all cracked up at that!
"Only if Weston was here."
"OMG IS THAT BOB DUNCAN!" Someone shouts behind me.
"WESTON!!" I pull him in a hug. Then Loren, Mark, and Matt. Annie, Hayley, and Caleb had confused faces.
"Weston loves Bob Duncan and calls basically anyone that." They all had 'o' faces.
"Weston this is Annie, Hayley, and Caleb from Bratayley."
"Hi dweebs."
I leaned toward Annie and Hayley but Caleb could still here what I was saying.
"He jokes around a lot. You'll usually hear those OBNOXIOUS AND RUDE comments from him."
"Omg a loose Weston-MEGAN OMG!!" I look over and see THE BABYARIEL! I turn back and see Annie, Hayley, and Caleb with surprised expressions.
I tackled her in a big hug.
"Queen of!" I said, joking of course.
"Meg seriously?!"
"Is that Annie?"
"Yeah. And that's-"
"Caleb and Hayley. I know I watch Bratayley!"
"Oh my bad."
She walked over to Annie, Hayley, and Caleb and gave them a hug. She also shoved her phone in my face to take a picture😂. Caleb had a shocked look on his face the entire time. I eventually got a pic. Weston and Ariel left but we'd see them tommorow.
He turned around. I saw Caleb tense. Hmm that's weird. Weston walked back and so did Ariel.
"We should all go to the i love dad monument!"
We all walked to there and climbed inside of the monument to take pics in. We finished and Weston and Ariel left for real this time.
Few hours later
We got back to the hotel and got in the elevator. We got in it and the elevator went up on floor and stopped.
"W-w-what did this just stop??"
I looked around and everyone seemed to say yes. I started shaking and crying.
"Are you okay?" Hayley asked.
"Fun fact: Megan is claustrophobic."
Caleb is hugging me and humming. Matt and Mark are smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

It's been about an hour and everyone is basically passed out on the floor. It's so hot and crowded in here. Mark and Loren are hugging, Matt, Annie, and Hayley are hugging, and me and Caleb haven't moved since before. My phone started ringing, causing everyone to wake up.
"Hi sweetie. People are going to open an air vent so your getting out that way."
"Ok bye."
I hung up.
"Who's going first?" Loren asked.
"Megan." Everyone said at the same time.
"No you guys go ahead."
"No your the most claustrophobic one here so your going first." Caleb stated. Everyone else agreed.
"Ok." The workers opened the part of the roof up. The guy gave me his hand to pull me up but I was too short. Shocker!
"Here get on my shoulders." Caleb said.
"Wait everyone move to a corner." Loren spoke.
"5,6,7,8." Caleb, Annie, and Hayley had confused faces. Me and Loren cheered before so she was doing a stunt. She popped me and I grabbed on the ceiling and jumped up to the roof.
"Everyone go I'll get out last." Loren stated. Next she put Hayley in a prep and I grabbed Hayley's hands and pulled her up. She ran out of the shaft. Next was Annie, then Caleb, Matt, and Mark. Then she did a jump and grabbed the ceiling. I pulled on her hand. I was about to pull her up until the elevator shook.
"THE CABLE IS SNAPPING!" Annie screamed. Loren looked up with terror in her eyes. If I didn't get her up in time, we'd become seriously hurt or possibly dead. I was also shaking, so it was kinda hard.
"I CANT GET HER UP! HELP!!" Caleb, Matt, and Mark ran to me. Caleb grabbed my waist and pulled me really hard, which thankfully pulled Loren up.
"THE CABLE IS GONNA SNAP!!" Shouted Annie. Mark and Matt ran out. Caleb pushed me and Loren out, with him behind us. There was a huge thud. I'm guessing the elevator crashed. Mark and Loren were hugging. Awe their goals❤️. I just realized Caleb was still holding me. We eventually huddled around in a huge circle.
"I'm thankful everyone is okay." I got a lot of yeahs. A woman around her forties ran over to us with camera men around her.
"Hey kids do you mind if we ask you a few questions."
Five mins later
"Thank you guys." She said and walked away. We walked to the hotel room to be bombarded by the parents, you know asking parent things. They sat us down on a bed and told us they had an announcement.
"So you know how the house next to us is for sale?" Katie questioned.
"Uh yeah."
"Well it got sold."
"WHO OWNS IT?!" Annie and Hayley asked.
"I do!" My mom said
"Yeah when we get back to PA we leave for MD."
"Wait Maryland?"
"What about Loren?"
"Uhh-oh here are her parents!"
"Hello?" Loren said to the phone.
"Next to the Thomas's of course!"
Everyone basically grouped hugged. These are the moments I love with my best friends.

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