Chapter Four

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Max always finds herself sitting by the window in silence, watching the world go by her in what seemed like a matter of minutes. It's like nothing has changed, except she isn't waiting for anyone to come home.

It's kind of nice, actually, even if it does get a bit lonely sometimes. She hears Nathan in the back of her mind occasionally; his drunken slurs, his stumbling footsteps. It makes Max want to run far, far away, even if she realizes it's her mind playing tricks on her.

Sometimes she wants to call Chloe to keep her company, but she knows the police officer has a city to protect. It had been a few days since the whole ordeal, so she felt as if maybe it wouldn't be a bad time to talk to her once more.

No, no.. Max thinks to herself. But she doesn't really know who else she wants to see. All of her old friends are long gone. Something's tugging in the back of her mind, and she remembers Kate. She's always been there for me, sometimes I wonder where I would be if she hadn't had been there for me.

The brunette's skinny finger draws shapes into the wood lazily, contemplating whether or not she should go see the sweet Christian girl. There's nobody to tell me that I can't anymore...

She draws the officer's leather jacket from the rusty coat hanger, finding it peculiar that Nathan's red varsity jacket wasn't on the same hook that it usually was. Max shakes the thought out of her head as she realizes yet again that he wasn't there anymore, and then steps out of the room into the chilly air.

It was busy, as always. Traffic always seemed to end up right in front of the motel, and it was always loud and overbearing. But after so long, Max had gotten used to the sounds of horns and loud trucks until late at night. Max holds her hand out so she could somehow catch a cab amidst the craziness.

Eventually she finds herself standing in front of Kate's apartment, and there's a twinge of nervousness even though she's been here before. She enjoyed visiting Kate though; her house always seemed so quiet and cozy, her living conditions weren't much better than her own but it was nice to have somewhere to feel safe. Max raised her hand to knock on the door.

The door opened a few moments later, revealing a sweet face that Max has always known and trusted. "Max?! Oh my gosh," Kate gasps, wrapping her arms around the small girl. "Come in, come in." Kate says, motioning for Max to step in.

The apartment hasn't changed; everything looking the same as it did a few months ago. "Hey Kate," Max smiles. "How have you been?"

"I'm great now that you've come to see me," The Christian girl speaks with a sweet tone, as she always has. She plops down onto her couch, patting the spot next to her for Max.

"It's been months since I've seen you," Kate states, crossing one leg over the other. "What brings you here? Is everything okay?" She asks, genuine concern coloring her voice.

"I just figured it's been awhile since I've seen you." Max speaks, taking a seat beside Kate, but also keeping a bit of a distance. "How has, uh, work, been going?"

Kate glances away, as if she felt ashamed. Her eyes are dreary and out-of-focus; unlike a few years ago when they were so full of life and light. Max knew that look all too well; it reminded her of herself.

"Just... gotta to do it to make a living, you know?" Kate says softly. Max knows how much of a pure soul Kate has; helping anyone and everyone in need. She's always there, especially when Max and Nathan were on the brink of homelessness.

"You deserve the world, Kate." Max says sincerely. She knows Kate absolutely hates what she has to do for money; you would never think she was the type to sell her body. But, ever since her family disowned her for the video that leaked a few years back, she had struggled to get back on her feet.

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