Chapter Five

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Max had been rummaging through her closet when she spotted her old ukulele, which only needed a slight tuning before it became playable. And that's how the brunette spends her Sunday morning, cross-legged in the middle of her bedroom floor strumming a random string of cords together.

She thinks back to the day she purchased it, and how sometimes she would sing to Nathan with it when he fell ill. Now she frowns on those particular bittersweet memories, hating to remember her abuser.

So instead she trudges past those, and to the ones that made her happy. I don't have anyone to sing to now... or no one to sing as I play.

She places the ukulele where she had found it, not really wanting to think about the memories that came with along with it anymore. She lets out a heavy breath, realizing that now she has nothing to occupy her time.

Max peers over at her newly purchased phone, with the money she had been saving up combined with the money that Kate gave her; it was fairly easy to get it along with a two-year plan.

Of course she only has one number in it; Kates. The brunette's visit with Kate had been sweet but short, and she's been feeling more lonely than ever. Max's mind wanders to the nice officer that had saved her, and she suddenly remembers that Chloe had given her a card with her number on it.

She extracts the card from the pocket of her jacket, yet again clutching it as if it might fall apart from the slightest movement. Max snags her phone, and gradually begins to dial the number written on the card; hoping the officer would answer.

It wouldn't hurt to bother her again, right?


Ever since Chloe's tiny meltdown, David has given her more time off than usual; the why is obvious. Chloe has been on edge, stressing out over something as simple as breaking the news to Max.

She doesn't know exactly how she wants to do it, but that part isn't as important to her; what she is actually worried about is Max's reaction. The last thing Chloe wants is for Max to have to deal with more pain. That girl has dealt with enough these past years, she doesn't need more of anything that could make her upset; especially reliving any of those abusive memories.

She gives out a heavy sigh, settling back into her seat. David is letting her off this afternoon, so her eyes keep wandering to the clock; finding that the time is going much too slow.

The Punk rolls her eyes and scoffs, pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her pocket. She knows she's not allowed to smoke inside of the police station, but she didn't care. The never-ending knot of stress unravels slowly as smoke occupies her lungs.

She feels calm for a few moments, ante her phone vibrates in her pocket. Flicking the ashes of her cigarette into an ashtray she always hides behind a pile of paperwork, she pulls her phone out.

"Officer Price." Chloe speaks into the phone, taking a draw off her cigarette. "H-hey Chloe, it's Max."

Chloe beams at the sound of the small girl's voice, very much relieved it wasn't a call for work. She barely ever had time to just sit and chat with a friend. "Hey, you. How are things?"

"Better, I guess. I got a new phone so, I figured I'd give you a call." Max explains, timidly shifting from the other end of the line.

"You called at the right time," Chloe speaks, leaning to put her cigarette into the ashtray. "I- uh," She stuttered, swallowing hard. Come on Chloe, we have to tell her and get it over with.

"I have something to talk to you about today," Chloe adds, wedging her phone between her shoulder and her ear as her hands fluttered around her crowded desktop. She hates to be the bearer of bad news, but the sooner, the better. "In fact, I'm getting off work soon. Wanna hang at my place?"

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