Chapter 7

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Angie walked around the park for a while, continuing to watch the people. Angie felt lonely.

Angie's POV

I feel so lonely now. I have no one in my life to help me or anything. I need to talk to someone about this, I hate holding everything in like this. But I don't know who I can tell, I can't tell loni. I have no one. 😔🙍

Angie wished she had someone she couldn't tell her feelings to about the situation, but she felt like she didn't have anyone, She was just really sad.....

Meanwhile that day......

It was getting dark and Angie was just walking around and all of a sudden she thought she saw her dad at the corner store.

Angie: *looks worried

Angie's POV

I swear I just saw my dad at the corner store, I really hope that wasn't him because if he sees me he's going to kill me.

Angie went in the store and acted like she was getting something. She realized it was really her dad trying to look for her.

Angie's dad: *holds up a picture.... Have you seen this girl?

The man at the counter: um, no sir.

Angie's dad: ok thank you.

Angie: he's looking for me *says to herself

As Angie's dad left the store, Angie followed him and tried to see where he was going next. Angie didn't go into the next store this time, she was outside looking in side of the store.

Meanwhile inside the store....

Angie's dad: have you seen this girl *holds up the picture again

The man at the counter: no sir

Angie's dad: ok, thank you. If you see her, just call me at this number here *writes his number down *gives it to the man.... Just call me, okay.

The man at the counter: okay

Angie's dad: *walks out the store

Angie: *makes a noise *looks around the corner and saw her dad looking over where she was

Angie's dad: *walks to where she was

Angie: *looks around the corner again and sees here dad coming

Angie's dad: *sees Angie..... Angie!!!!

Angie: *runs

Angie's POV

Dang it, he saw me. I'm really scared that he might catch up to me and kill me. But I have to run and never stop running.

Angie's dad: *runs after her..... Come here Angie!!!!

Angie: *keeps running *goes left and tries to hide but she falls

All of a sudden she heard footsteps behind her, she didn't wanna turn around but she did.....

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