My Vacation ✔

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My life shattered when my father got into drinking and gambling. My mother died when I was six, brain tumor. I don't remember much of that time but the prominent pain was my dad indulging in his pain forgetting all this while that I also lost a mother.

And to save me father from the gambling debt, I started earning money, illegally. I started with bike racing and there I met guys who made me deal and deliver drugs and arms. I was tough, thanks to all the fighting I indulged in due to my drunken father, so I was one of the best thus landing me in a gang.

My boss is Toran Huan , he is perverted, murdering bastard. But he gave me money and I turned a blind eye to whatever he did. He wanted to build a power plant in the area where my grandparents own that sickeningly sweet Diner.

That I day I went in and started yelling at my grandmother. Little did I know that now she had her own little bodyguard, Parker Summers. He punched me and I guessed I deserved it but I couldn't accept that so we two broke into a fight.

But that was before, a girl stepped in and had the nerve to hit me. For a fragile, small little thing, her hook was on the mark and my nose started bleeding. Fuming with anger I looked up to glare at my assailant. And for the first time since my mother's death, I was scared.

Why? Because all these years I have been angry at God, at dad, at mom for leaving me and at myself, for the person I have become but as I saw her face and her frightened eyes, the anger in me subsided.


I threatened her for revenge but I was not planning on getting one. Because the first time it was clear, she was the girl I didn't need around. She was dangerous for me which was absurd since I was almost a danger to everyone I encountered.

But did that happen? No. While everyone else walks away even from my shadow, she straight out collided with me. And she was so obvious when she was checking me out. I would have laughed at the situation if I was no agitated again.

Her heart shaped face was so wrong, her eyes were too innocent, her lips to soft looking. The scared look on her face had me doubt that she was the same who punched me. No girl ever did and I should be angry on her for doing this in front of my gang. There was so much innocence around her, in her eyes that it almost cancelled out the bad in me.

She was like the part I didn't have and desired, softness and light.

And it turned out she was Parker's sister here for a small vacation. This made me hopeful. She could just escape from me and my demons if she wanted to if I happen to try something with her.

She blinked to much when she was nervous, a weird but weirdly adorable habit. Whenever she was around, the gangster, dark Brax was gone and I was normal Brax trying to get to know the girl I may like. I followed her to the church, a place I never go.

As much as she was affected by me, her comment on my smoking acted like a cold water splash on me. And even after all the resolve to remain unaffected I threw away the cigarette when she was gone.

What confirmed that I have started having feelings for the naive girl was when she was drowning in water and without any hesitation or second thoughts I jumped in to save her. It was more than terrifying to see her pale and lifeless when I pulled her out and I then I realised ; Shit, I like this girl.

But then again, I was the cold, dangerous boy and decided to stay away from her, for her own good. But she walked into devil's lair herself. I opened the door and there she stood with her innocent warm eyes and blinding light and beauty. She was ogling me but I will not be hypocrite because i was doing the same to her.

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