They Need My Help.

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I was literary looking  no staring at him, then he noticed it and he just smile, which make it all worst, well worst in a good way I guess. It took me a minute to take away my gaze from him and able to speak to Kris since he was the only one who can understand and speak English , “So um… gosh I can’t organize what I want to say”

I heard a soft voice said “gwehn chahn ah?”  then I knowing it since I’m an avid fan of Kpop as well as EXO  answered him “Neh” . He smile widely , wah soo cute, then he said excitedly,” han guk mal hae?”  I was taken aback by that even though I understand him in some way it’s just that I don’t understand Korean very well same as speaking it.

I answered him with “jogum” as I look at him with a hesitant smile then I look at Kris and told him “I prefer English because I don’t understand nor speak Korean very well” , with that Luhan look at Kris worriedly wanting to know what I’m saying so Kris translate it for him.

When he understand it I look at him and said “Mianhamnida” and  nod at him as a courtesy that Koreans do. Then he said “gwehn chahn ah yo” as he smile his cute smile Omo! I’m dying inside goooooosh

“So you were saying Mr. Kris that you needed help right?” I started the conversation, when Kris didn’t respond  “So what do you need? And How can I help you?” I added with sincerity.

“The story goes like this… we were having a film for our next MV, you see we’re the EXO-M the new boy group in Korea under SM entertainment. Do you know us?” he said with his deep voice which give me a chilling feeling whenever I hear it.

“Yes I know your group” I told him ‘that’s why I’m talking to you I know I can trust you especially that LULU is here’  I mentally hit my head for acting fan girl.

“Good!, So the location happened to be here in your country and you see during the shooting we have breaks like 3 hrs of break…” he said but hesitate to continue

“Okay, I’m listening…. Go on….” I said in a calm, sincere voice

“So Luhan and I decided to tour your country so we walk around and we went too far…. Then we ride a taxi and told him to drove us to our hotel and I guess he missed heard the name of the hotel and ended up here good thing I have bills here in your country, so I pay them all, the thing is we do not know this place at all and obviously this isn’t the place we are staying..... so we need your help to accompany us back to our hotel…if it’s okay with you” He said and think he was kinda embarrassed.

“Oh I see, so basically you are lost and have no bills that can be use here and you need my help to return to your hotel, right?” I summarized what he told me

“Yes” he answered in a stiffed way, then Luhan was so clueless to what we were saying so he asked Kris about it in unfamiliar Korean words from me.

After Luhan understand it I said”It’s okay, everyone can be lost in a foreign land, so what is the name of your hotel?”

When Kris told me the name I was kinda worried since that hotel have many branches all over here, So I asked him what specific address or even landmark for it, but he said he has none. Luhan who was very curious and worried about what we were talking about asked for translation from Kris, then he suddenly rummage his bag as if looking for something very important. As I was thinking of what branch could they possibly have check in, Luhan extended his hand under my eyes which he was holding a piece of paper and then it cross to my mind, a calling card of the hotel they were staying, so I got it from him and read it.

Gosh, the hotel is very far from here no wonder that the bill in the taxi was high. Omo! I will be bankrupt for the next week since I have to pay for three and another trip to go back. Even though I know this place I don’t have enough money now and my allowance is in our condominium.

“Is there  a problem?” Kris asked

“No nothing I know this place, it’s just that I don’t have enough money in my wallet right now and we have to go to my place to get it , so I can accompany you both, if that’s alright with you?” I asked them as I look at Luhan too, who wears a quizzical look on his face. Cute face 

“Oh… that’s okay with me” Kris said, then Luhan asked him again about our conversation then he agreed too.

So I told them to follow me, as we were walking, the atmosphere was quiet although I was occasionally looking at them if they can still follow me. When we reach the building, where I live I told them “Here we are and let’s go up” so I lead the way then we went to the elevator and I push the level 26 button. The trip inside the elevator was a silent awkward moment. Even though I want to talk to Luhan I can't because we can't understand  each other.

We reach the front door of my room, then I opened it and let them in, I gestured them to sit on the dining area/living room in our condo. I saw a note on our whole body size mirror and it says:  ‘Cutie, I can’t  go home tonight sorry I won’t be eating with you too love, beauty’

aww…too bad Lyn can’t see Kris actually her Kris…’

“So your name is Cutie what an unusual name” Kris said which pull me from my reverie. “Actually my name is Chloe and the Cutie thing is just what my roommate call me okay” I told him. Then I heard Luhan said “Chloe?” with his angelic sweet voice ‘ahhhhhhhhhh….’

“Neh, nan Chloe-imnida” I said to him as I smile at him, then he reach for my hand to give a friendly shake and he said in his utmost clear English “nice to meet you” and flash his sweet smile again.

Shocks I actually was able to held Luhan’s hand

“Okay I’ll just get my money on the bed room and I’ll accompany you” I told them as I went to the bedroom , then the rain starts pouring and before I knew it , it was getting harder and harder. 

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