Morning Misunderstanding

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Author's note:

It’s kinda confusing since it’s all written in English (I was confused as well in my own writings hahaha) anyway just think of it when KRIS and CHLOE were talking it’s in ENGLISH, if LUHAN and CHLOE were talking its either BAD ENGLISH or BAD KOREAN and if KRIS and LUHAN were talking its in KOREAN…. That’s all and enjoy the story… :)



I automatically opened my eyes coz I know its morning already, thanks to my body clock. Then I look around,  at first I was in doubt to where I am, after sometime it dawn to me, yah right I remembered everything that had happened yesterday how we end up here at Chloe’s place. I look at the other bed where I know Luhan slept last night. I was amazed to see that the bed was empty.

He really woke up early, that’s new…

I get up and went outside and look around only to find Luhan and Chloe side by side and asleep. I smirked,  “nice the newly wed couple sleeping in the dining table”  I muttered to myself.

I wish I brought my camera and for sure it would be a bizarre thing for the other exo members if they saw this.

Then I saw Chloe’s cell phone lying around and I get it, good thing it doesn’t have a password. As I opened it I saw her wall paper it was Luhan.

She’s really a fan of him, no wonder that she trust us that easily… hehehe

Then with the use of her phone I took photos of them asleep together, “Chloe you’ll thank me after  seeing this hehehe”  I muttered to myself, without  second thought, “Hey Guys! Wake up!” I shouted as I shook them both.

I saw Chloe already opened her eyes but it seems like she was staring at Luhan in really deep thoughts. I slowly lean into her and “I told you don’t stare it’s not fun to look at” I whispered to her. Then she shouted “KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…..”  As she sprinted out and before she knew it she almost fell down good thing I was able to catch her.   Then next thing I knew I was almost hugging her and she was looking at me.


I felt someone was shaking me to wake up, but I didn’t want to get up just yet so I still want to enter the dreamland. Then “KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…” someone shouted and I immediately get up. As I turned around to find the source of the commotion and there I saw Kris’s arms were on Chloe’s waist and they were looking at each other. After a minute Kris suddenly hugged her and said something in English in a worried tone, which was the first time I heard from him. As if asking her if she’s alright.

I look at Chloe and our gaze met for about a long minute, we looked at each other and I felt something heavy inside my chest and I don’t know what it is. Then she pushed Kris away but before he let go of her Kris said something to her again and she just nodded and look away from us.

I don’t know what gets into me that I suddenly pulled Chloe, “gwehn chahn ah?” I asked her as I held her face with my both hands and she just nod at me “Chincha?” I asked her again. “N-ne, Lu-Luhan-ssi” she said shyly, before I let go of her I touched her hair “B-be Caref-ful” I manage to tell her in English as I gave her an embarrassing smile.

Damn it…. I should learn how to speak in english…

Then she excused herself while saying it in straight English which I didn’t understand aisshh…. I really hate  it…

I didn’t look at Kris to ask for translation and I didn’t know why I didn’t know what I felt towards my friend after seeing him so close to Chloe.  Then I heard him said in Korean “She said she’ll prepare breakfast for us” I nod in understanding still I can’t face him and I didn’t know the reason why.

 During breakfast we were all silent each were in deep thoughts. After we had eaten I automatically get the plates but Chloe held my arms and shook her head like saying to me that I don’t have to do this. “Ani… chincharo….” I told her as I smiled at her, then she let go of me. She again spoke something in English which again I didn’t understand. Gee this is really frustrating… , “She said she’ll take a bath so we can prepare after her and she will accompany us back to our hotel.” I again just nod to him.

Maybe he felt that I’m being unresponsive to him, he suddenly went to me and asked “What’s the problem bro?” while he tapped my shoulder. “Nothing” I just said without looking at him. “I know there is… now tell me” he demanded in his leader tone.  I sigh… I still don’t know what to tell him even I’m confused. “Alright then…” he said as he walk away from me, then out of nowhere “Do you like her?” I blurted out before I was able to shut my mouth.

“Who’s her?” he asked

“Her!, the girl in the bathroom” I manage to say cause I don’t want to mention names

“Oh her…. What about her?” he asked

“I SAID DO YOU LIKE HER?” I said my voice was louder than what I intended to.

“Why do you say so?” he asked in a teasing tone, Oh I hate it when he’s like this.

“Nothing, it’s just that you're too sweet to her and that….” He cut me off

“Why? Are you jealous?” he asked in high tone

I was taken aback to what he said “Of-Of course not!” I managed to answer him.

“What if I am” he said

“what?” my jaw fell upon hearing it.

“Maybe I like her” he said again

I was dumbfounded of what he said, then I felt like someone stabbed my chest then it felt heavy really heavy.  Yah… its possible since they both understand each other, maybe Kris is her bias after all she did trust us easily… maybe she really like him a lot…. As I was thinking of that, my chest felt heavier and I just sat on the dining table, without looking at Kris.

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