Behind The Door

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But as I stare and clearly see the man, disappointment rushed through my body.

He’s not Luhan…

it was Kris.

Yah…paboh Chloe… you’ve met ten EXO there are still two left…. Paboh… your assuming things… maybe Kris just wanted to compensate? Or tease me? I don’t know… maybe Luhan isn’t here or not interested in this charade…. Oh well I guess there’s no fairy tale happy ending… after all…

“Ahem” Kris cough to get my attention, he successfully pulled me from my pensiveness. I automatically blink several times and look at him. “I see….” He started talking with his deep voice “I see…” he again said the same words as he change his position placing his left hand in his chin while he was leaning in the table looking at me sheepishly.

“Wh-what d-do you see?” I managed to say then I bit my lips after I realized that it was the stupidest question I ever made. Paboh…Chloe

He can’t help but to laugh at me. Can’t blame him…. I’m such an idiot…  I just rolled my eyes. Then he composed himself and he look at me again in the same position. We stared at each other for about five seconds and I can’t take it anymore. I raised an eyebrow while looking at him with a ‘what-do-you-want-to-tell-me’ look then he just smirked at me, just like that. 

Now he’s enjoying the show…. Me being completely clueless of what’s going on….

”I see that you are so disappointed seeing me here… am I correct?” he said teasingly as he stand up, while holding his chin and look at me with furrow eyebrows. I opened my mouth because I wanted to say something but I can’t form any words at all. Because you knew perfectly Chloe that what he said is true….  You are disappointed… So I just closed my lips and look elsewhere, I don’t want to look at him and prove it to him how disappointed I was.

“Silence means yes” He said, I look at him with my ‘Whatever’ look, he again chuckle. “Are you that happy?” I asked irritated as I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah” he managed to say as he stop laughing, “You know what?” he continued “Your like an open book, your too easy to read” he finished.

“So?” I asked him but I feel conscious about it. “Nothing… it’s just whatever you feel is evident in your face…” he said as he walk towards me and when he was in front of me, I automatically step back but my back hit the door.  He lean to me as I look down to avoid his gaze. “See… you feel nervous….with just this” he said teasingly.

Just this? This is so close? I’m not use to this kind of scenario….. My goodness….

He move away and start laughing, You sure laugh a lot today…huh… really… your enjoying this??? I look at him furiously I can’t help getting irritated at him, he’s really  an annoying person in the whole wide world. “Alright I won’t take this any longer… though I’m having fun” he said as if done with his mission. “Come and take a seat Chloe” he then led me to the table and pulled the chair so I can sit on it, then he sit on the other opposite to mine.

”So I know that there are lots of questions in your mind, like why are you here? Why is this happening? If I’m (he pointed himself) the one responsible to this thing? “ he said is he a mind reader?  That were my almost exact questions that I formulated as I was led here.

”I’m correct right?” he asked me and I just nod in agreement. “Well the first two question is not for me to answer but the third is half yes and half no” he casually said. “W-what d-do you mean by half?” I asked curiously “Oh I forgot… you have another question… right? It is ‘where is Lyn now?’ Since you were asked to wait in the lobby right?” he said, I was surprised when he mentioned Lyn

how on earth could he possibly know her?...

this is so not right….

“H-h-how on-… How d-did y-y-you kn-know Lyn?” I asked stuttering “E-mail” he just said “H-How?? W-when?” I asked again I couldn’t believe it.

Then at the back of Kris something moved from the curtain and got out behind, it was Lyn. “Hi! Chloe” she said, I don’t know what to say so I just look at her and then at Kris and then at her again and to Kris again and at her again. “Sorry Cutie” she managed to say guiltily.

“You and him knew each other?” I asked her and she nod. “I guess girls this is my cue to get going…..” Kris suddenly said to us then he stand up and went near Lyn “I’ll just leave it to you Lyn” he said to her and winked at her and left us, Lyn was blushing, she was really a fan of Kris after all.

[Author’s Note:]

[Just imagine in this part Lyn and Chloe(you) were talking in your own language ]  

We look at Kris until he close the door behind him and then Lyn sit to where Kris was sitting awhile ago and I look at her with ‘What-is-this-all-about’ look and she just look at me with ‘Let-me-explain’ look with a guilty smile. “Alright then…. Explain” I told her commanding, as I fold both my arms.

“Uhm…. Well you see…. After that night that I came back to our condo you seems to become lonely and always spacing out…. But you never told me anything…” she said as she shot me with accusation. Well I felt guilty with that because I never told her what had happened that day she was gone.

“Anyway I wanted to ask you about it but I didn’t have a chance… good thing when I was rummaging through my bed a note fell from my pillow which says ‘Look at Chloe’s phone in the gallery and after seeing a photo there email me: and let’s talk’ and at the bottom there was his name ‘KRIS’… I don’t know if I’m going to believe it or not but I have to do something since the note indicated your name and I wanted to know what happened to you…. Then I borrowed your phone and I saw your picture with Luhan in our table….”

a pang of pain throb inside my chest after hearing his name but I didn’t let her know

“I was really shock by it, then the question that was bothering me is why are you still sad…. So I email him and that was the start of our conversations these past months…. And Yes we both plan this since they will be having their first concert here in our country with other kpop idol as well… so I had to get away from you and plan this all thing and yesterday I’ve met them all…. And you know what they are all so handsome…. Gosh…. And yes ‘gummybear’ (Lyn’s pet name to Kris) is really handsome and cool to chat with… I feel like I’m in cloud nine, Gosh…..” She said ending her explanation staring dreamily on air, she is so Lyn I can’t help but to giggle.  

“And Why our Cutie laughing?.... aye….” Lyn asked as she eyed me suspiciously “What? Can I be happy for awhile?” I asked her eyeing her too “Since you ‘did’…” I quoted the ‘did’ to emphasize it to her “this event…. So I will be happy? And to think of it you asked their help just to talk to me with this matter.. we could just talk this out in a café or bar…” then before I could finished

“Oh… you thought this is the end of it? You gotta be kidding me it’s just the half of it” she said teasingly “What?” I asked dumbfounded “I just have to tell you that I’m in on it just to feel less guilty… hahaha… and besides it’s just my way of revenge since you didn’t let me know that you help two handsome guy aye…” she said pouting then I just smile at her and said “Sorry Beauty”.

Then she clapped three times and shouted “Boys”, suddenly the door opened and four EXO members went inside Baekhyun and Chanyeol were the first pair they let Lyn stand up and get the her chair then Tao and Sehun wave first at me before holding the table and the four of the got out of the room bringing with them the chair and the table. Another pair of EXO Suho and Kai went in with a more comfortable, should I say a royalty kind of chair and Lyn held my hand so I could  stand up as the two exchanges my chair with the ones they brought in, then they go out too.

“So Chloe this will be the next part so enjoy it okay?” she said as she went out without looking back at me.


Another surprise?

I feel really nervous….my heart is beating fast….

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