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I can not physically show how much I adore the pern chronicles and pern au stuff! I just sort of Aaaahaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So yeah! Remember:
Scott's dragon's thought speak: ITALIC
Isaac's dragon's thought speak: BOLD UNDERLINED
Derek's dragon's thought speak: BOLD ITALIC
Boyd's dragon's thought speak: PLAIN
Stiles's thought speak: BOLD

Stiles stood frozen on the Sands.
After he had agreed to come down from the roof the dragon riders had insisted that he needed to go with them to the weyr.
He had tried not to look too eager.
Since that day he had spent about a week here and become fast friends with the dragons through sneaking them sweet foods and going out to play and fly with them at night if they were bored.
Such friends they had become that the dragons would almost definitely 7/10 times listen to him rather than their riders and Stiles was practically sure he preferred the company of dragons over people.
But right now he was on the sands of the hatching grounds as dragons hatched.
The air was vibrating with the humming that came from the dragons.
He could feel it through the ground and it made his ears pop.
The Sands were burning the souls of his feet as he stood in fascination at his surroundings.
He could vaguely feel the thoughts and emotions that the hatchlings were subconsciously projecting.
It was both overwhelming and amazing.
His heart stuttered nervously at the sight of dragons impressing and mauling people around him.
A sliver of fear entered him as he noticed one boy bleeding out onto the sand, tears streaming down his face in pain.
He was not scared of the dragons, never has been and most probably never would be.
However the sight of blood would never be reassuring, especially for someone with a naturally energetic and nervous manner like him?
*You'll be fine! Look again and that'll quieten your doubts!* came the thought voice of Scott's dragon.
He did as requested and saw the boy's tears change from those of pain to those of happiness as a he impressed a small green.
He could feel the happiness and hunger coming from the hatchling's mind as it stated its name to its rider unaware that Stiles could hear.
Stiles quickly stopped tuning in as impression is a private moment to be shared with rider and dragon alone.
Suddenly the humming increased in volume and a cheer broke up from the crowd watching the hatching.
He looked around for the source of the excitement but was unrewarded.
*The queen has hatched!* explained Lycanth, his voice brimming with excitement. Stiles was momentarily distracted by a glimpse of the queen and in the back of his mind he accepted that he was probably not going to impress.
It was a saddening thought but one he had come to terms with a while back.
He was wrong however and his attention was soon drawn elsewhere, away from the golden hatchling wrecking havoc among the girls.
There was a scratching at the wall of his mind, a quiet keening coming from...over there!
He cautiously made his way forward, past a few boys and girls without dragon or only now impressing the last hatchlings and towards a large egg.
The attention was on still on the newly shellbroken queen as he brushed his fingers along the eggs surface.
The egg was queen sized but showed no obvious colouring of the gold tinge that he had learnt queen eggs tended to have.
The egg hummed at his touch and his eyes went wide with wonder.
*What are you doing? Derek is curious as well...*
Lycanth's voice nudged him from his hypnotic like state for a small minute.
Derek was watching him?
Stiles would have thought he'd be more interested in the just hatched queen.
*I-* he was going to respond but the egg let out a shrill sound and then a crack appeared demanding his undivided attention.
A piece of shell about the size of his fist was knocked out and immediately his eyes met a swirling colourful one. 
*Stiles? Careful!*
He was vaguely aware of Scarf (Isaacs dragon) entering his thoughts into his mind but Stiles was too mesmerised at this point to take much notice.
The eye stared at him for a moment longer before the rest of the hatchling burst out of the egg.
Bright silvery gold with the slightest tinge of blue.
Stiles could feel the tense presence of Lycanth and the others mind lingering around only for them to disappear at a low hiss that came from the hatchling that leapt on his chest.
He toppled backwards and remained staring up into the swirling eyes he had glimpsed before.
Stiles didn't even notice the shallow cuts that the creatures claws where leaving on his person.
Then a melodic and feminine voice purred *I am Sanjeep and you are Stiles (or at least that's what you are commonly called), I am yours and you are mine!* (Stiles's dragon's speak will be bold underlined italic)
A wide grin erupted on his face and a laugh bubbled up through his lips.
"Sanjeep" he breathed.
She chirped.
*Yes. Now food, I'm hungry!*
Stiles nodded.
"Yup okay but you'll have to get off me first."
She immediately jumped off and waddled in the direction Stiles assumed food was. *Well? Ain't ya gonna tell us who her little highness is?* joked Kiran but Stiles could hear the underlying respect and amazement in his tone.
Stiles smiled.
*Her name is Sanjeep and who impressed the other?*
*The other was impressed by the girl we took from your previous home*
*Lady Allison?* Stiles supplied helpfully.
*Yes that one!*
Stiles looked around for Lycanth, confused as usually he would be the first to contact Stiles.
He easily spotted the dragon in question with Derek on one of the ledges.
Wait...was Derek...smiling?
Stiles reached out tentatively with his mind, not wanting to ruin a moment.
Immediately Lycanth's head whipped round to meet his gaze and Derek's head settled into its usual half scowl.
*Her name is Sanjeep* Stiles informed, he could feel the question in Lycanth's mind.
Then he turned and failed to see the way Lycanth shook his entire body like a happy puppy and the way Derek laughed in surprised joy when his dragon relayed the information back to him.
And if people were whispering of how a boy could possibly impress a queen then Stiles paid them no heed.

Soooooooooooooooo once again I looooove this AU and there will be a part three, however that will be the last of it! Now! Any prompts?...requests? Send 'em through! Also superwolf prompts and requests are encouraged since I think the crossover is A-MA-ZING! And hilarious! Bye!

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