The strange beginning

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Sometimes, I think to myself, 'why did this happen?' 'Why me'.

Every time I think of it, I burst into tears. I mean, all our love went to waste, and all those times I said "I love you" went to waste. I regret saying yes.

1 year before:

I was new at school, never seen the place ever. 'It was a brand new start' I thought.

I was already falling for one boy, there was something different about him, he was nice, funny and cares about me for some reason. All the other boys in my class were noisy, bullies and didn't care about anything.

Sometimes we smile at each other, across the classroom, and pull funny faces. I think he liked me too :)

I'm not complaining.

Every time I arrive at school, he waits at the gates and always says "morning beautiful"

I say, "morning:)" and go kinda shy.

This repeated everyday:

Pulling faces from the end of classrooms

Complimenting me

However, after 2 weeks he didn't come to school for a whole week, I was starting to worry.

Week after week, the days pasted on, and I never saw him.

This made me start to worry again, at first I thought he was only ill, but he couldn't be ill for 2 weeks could he?

He rang me up, it was a weird conversation in my words, this is what he said,

"Hi, don't reply to this but i haven't got much time left of my life, I just got bad news from the doctor saying I have cancer, it's really critical and they only think I have 2 months left."

Then he put the phone down :( I really didn't know what to do, so I lent against my bed and cried.

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