First Encounter

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                                Alex's POV

The first day of classes was whirlwind of syllabuses and outdated chalkboards. By my third (and final) class of the day, it seemed like everything was going fine. I even said "wow, this day is going remarkably well!". If the laws of American jinx still apply, I believe I have only myself to blame for the infamous event that occurred in my Organic Chemistry Laboratory II class. That class ended up being one of the worst days of my time at Columbia, because that was the day I met Thomas Jefferson.

My Organic Chem class is primarily attended by Seniors majoring in Bio-Chem Engineering who forgot to take the class last year , responsible Juniors majoring in Bio-Chem Engineering, precocious Sophomores who really like the natural sciences, and the occasional annoying bastard orphan with two thumbs-- this guy!

When I walked into Organic Chem the first day, the age difference was more than evident. I felt like a sixth grader trying to hang out with the High School Seniors. I quietly shuffled over to one of the lab tables. Soon enough, everyone had already taken their seats, and I was the only one without a partner. I felt like the crazy person on the bus. I guess high school never ends.

Looking back on it, sitting alone would've been the much better option. But the universe doesn't play fair. Five minutes after everyone had already taken their seats, one of biggest asses in New York sauntered in through the door.

"Nice to see you finally joining us, Mr, Jefferson," the professor at the front of the room said sarcastically. After doing a full surveillance of the room, Jefferson sighed and over dramatically plopped down in the seat at my table.

"Ok, now that I believe everyone is here, let's get started. Because this class is a double period, we will spend half the time going over the syllabus and half the time doing are first lab," the professor explained. "I am Professor Washington, and welcome to Organic Chemistry Laboratory II!"

After going over the syllabus with us, I decided that I liked Professor Washington. He seems tough, but kind. If Jefferson ever tried to pull something, I knew he wouldn't turn a blind eye.

"Ok, today we are going to be working with Acetic Acid. You may have used it in High School, so some of you might be familiar with it. Just a fair warning, this does cause skin and eye irritation, so don't touch it. You will be working with the people at your lab station for this experiment," Washington explained. He began to demonstrate step by step the procedure. I looked over to see Jefferson texting during the presentation. I rolled my eyes. Well, I guess if he's not going to help at least he can't mess it up.

"Ok, you may began," Washington announced. After slipping into my way to large lab coat, I started gathering the materials we need.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jefferson pressed, leaning over my shoulder.

"The experiment," I replied bluntly.

"You're doing it wrong," he spat. "You're supposed to mix it with Isobutanol, idiot."

"Jefferson, that's not even part of the.... Do you even see Isobutanol on the table? We're literally dying plant cells to examine their mitosis. This has nothing to do with mixing acids!" I shouted.

"Wow, someone is salty today," Jefferson mocked. "What's your name, anyway? I'm getting tired of calling you annoying little toddler in my head," Jefferson scoffed.

"Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton." I dead panned.

"Holy shit, no way! You're the guy from the Caribbean Burr was telling me about. You're even more obnoxious in person," Jefferson laughed. I ignored him and continued looking through the scientific microscope.

"Wow, there's no wonder your cousin killed himself, look at you! He probably just wanted a break from hearing your stupid voice!"

I tried to ignore him. Block him out. And then he went a step too far.

"Oh, and wasn't your mom a whore or something? It's no wonder she made such a failure of a son," Jefferson smirked. That was the last straw for me. There have been about three times I've made very rash, quick decisions in my life. This was the first. I looked at the half full bottle of Acetic Acid and then I looked at Jefferson's stupid face. Acetic Acid to Jefferson's stupid face. Acid to face. All of the emotion I'd been pushing down in the last week came bubbling to the top. And suddenly, I got an idea.

In one swift motion of my hand I poured the remainder of the Acetic Acid on Jefferson's head and all down his lab coat.

"What the hell was that?!" Washington demanded. I stood there like a deer in the headlights, empty bottle in hand. What was that? Jefferson was screaming and trying wipe of the liquid with his already drenched lab coat. Washington ushered him over to the Chemical Shower and Eyewash Station. Water flooded the floor.

After fifteen minutes of him leaned over the Chemical Shower, Washington had someone escort him to the on campus clinic.

"Class dismissed," Washington declared. I quickly packed up my computer bag and raced towards the door. I was nearly out of the classroom when I heard a very angry Washington say,

"Not you, Hamilton."

Sorry for the short chapter! Thanks for reading😊

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