And Peggy

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Peggy's POV

High school was hard without Angie and Eliza. It had been a month since I toured with them and I still felt an empty hole where they had been. Even after Angie left and it was just me and Eliza, it was like nothing could touch us. We were invincible. I remember how when I was still in middle school and they were both high schoolers they would make the trek across the school campus to the junior high building every single day. They had always been that comforting presence in the hallways that reminded people they couldn't mess with me because I was sisters with Eliza and Angie Schuyler, and they could kick your ass any day of the week. Now it was like, 'I'm sisters with Eliza and Angie Schuyler... Who are 150.6 miles away'. Doesn't really have the same effect, you know?

I was only a Sophomore when Eliza left. First it was Angelica when I was in eighth, but that didn't change my school life too much since Eliza was still there cheering me on. But without Eliza, I was doomed. The first day I really seemed to notice how helpless I was without them was on September twelfth: the first day of school.  I was sitting on one of the swings outside our house waiting for the bus. I had to actually take the bus now that neither Eliza or Angie could drive me.

I was sitting on the swing closest to the ground. Angelica always insisted she should get the highest swing 'cause she was the oldest. I knew I could've used it after she left, but it just felt wrong, like if I did she would come out of the woods in a fury to try and claim her rightful ownership.

I began reliving the night Eliza snuck me inside a bar. I remember getting all nervous as I walked up the steps to Puzzles's doorway. Eliza whispered "Just be cool. Act like you're old enough and hide behind me."

I smiled at her apprehensively and hid in between her and Angie. Somehow, beyond all logical reasoning, they snuck a fifteen year old into a bar. I didn't actually drink any alcohol, because that would be illegal. I did, however, enjoy the wide variety of snacks on the menu and the clown show that was Lafayette trying to dance.

I was jolted back to reality by the bus driver slamming the breaks. I fervently gathered my backpack and raced up to the bus stop. I didn't know how car sick I could get before taking the bus that day. I hurried into school, trying to blend in with the crowds. I reached my APUSH class in an out of breath flurry. I though about what my sisters had told me about APUSH in room 210: sit near the poster in the left hand corner. That's Schuyler sister territory.

I gracefully tripped into one of the seats in the left hand corner.

"What do you think you're doing here?" A voice challenged from behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was: Caleb Stevens. He was an undereducated,
over-steroided Junior with the IQ of a mango and the muscle definition of an ox.

"What do you mean?" I sighed.

"This corner of the room is reserved for upperclassmen, my friends, and girls I enjoy looking at. You are what one would call: none of the above," he mocked. I shrugged off his comment about my looks and glared at him.

"I'm a Schuyler sister, and this is Schuyler sister territory," I explained slowly so his small Brian would understand.

"You're their dumb little sister. You'll never be a true Schuyler sister," he sneered. I clenched my teeth. That one stung.

"I'm not moving." I declared.

"Fine, have it your way. But you'll pay for it. They always do," Caleb laughed ominously. A hint of fear sparked inside me, but I quickly regained my composure. He can't do anything, I rationalized. My sisters were Eliza and Angelica Schuyler, they were the queens of this school. What I didn't know was the key word in the sentence was 'were'.

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