Chapter 3

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Keaton's P.O.V.

(5 weeks later)

I was messing around on my computer when a dressed up Carlie comes into my room. She still had a hoodie on, but that's Carlie.

"H-hi Keats." She says quietly. I turn around and look at her.

"Wow um hi. You look.. Beautiful." I blush and so does she. "Thanks. My boyfriend is taking me out tonight."

"O-oh.." I look back at my computer screen and slam it shut. "That's nice." I get up and slam my laptop onto my desk.

"Um, yeah, I just wanted to say bye." She tucks a curl behind her ear. "See ya.." I say.

She walks out and I groan in frustration. A boyfriend! A freakin boyfriend!

Of course... Just my luck right. She could be the one to mess me up.. I look out the window to see Carlie kissing a guy.

"So much for trying, huh Carls?" I whisper and shut my blinds. I fall back onto my bed and start humming.

I hear my door open and I see Carlie, surprisingly. Her hair is in her face and her head is down

. "Carlie?" I whisper. In reply I hear soft sobs.

I get up and go to her, tilting her head so she looks at me. I see her make up running down her face and she sniffles,"H-his-he ch-cheated on me-e-e."

Her voice cracks way too many times and I sigh,"Hun, he didn't know what he had. You're a beautiful, amazing, funny, talented, awesome, blessed girl who deserves someone better."

"You really think so?" She looks into my eyes and I nod, "I know so." She hugs me and I hug her back, putting my chin on her head.

Her body shakes, unwinding from the sobs. I stroke her back and she looks up at me,"Thank you Keaton."

I smile,"For what?" "For making me feel like no one else does." Then the unexpected happened..

She kissed me full on the lips. I make no waste in kissing her back.

She pushes me down on my bed and lays next to me, not breaking the kiss. My hands go to her hair and her hands find my chest.

I pull back and look at her,"No.. Thank you, Carlie, for making me realize that I'm worth something." I cup her cheek and she smiles, looking down.

"I-I.. You're welcome." I chuckle and kiss her forehead,"Well, now I have to ask you something.. Will you do me the biggest honor in being my girlfriend?"

She nods and kisses my nose,"Of course, baby Keats." My giggle was cut off by whoops and hollers.

I get up and open my door to find Wes and Drew. "Wha..?" "FINALLY! GOD, I DIDN'T EVER THINK IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN!!!!" Wesley yells.

Drew comes up and smirks at me, "Nice choice, she's pretty sexy." He winks and I stand there dumbfounded as Carlie comes up and hugs me from behind, giggling.

"Nah, I'd say he's pretty sexy." She says and rests her chin on my shoulder. I smile and think,' I could live like this.. Forever.'

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