Chapter 4

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"Let me get this straight," Harper stopped to take a slow sip of her canned Coca-Cola that was seated on a coaster, "you have a date with the guardian of one of your students. And, and that student is also someone you are trying to set up with another student?" She informed me as if catching me up to speed on the latest episode of Once Upon A Time all  while breaking into a fit of giggles by the second sentence. My first instinct was to roll my eyes at the antics of my younger sister before tossing the closest throw pillow I could find.

"Harper, you aren't helping." I whined while tossing my head into my hands as my attempt to conceal the bubbles of laughter that would escape. I spread my fingers that were otherwise covering my eyes to catch a glimpse of Harper who was know clutching onto the pillow as if it were her lifeline while she choked up some more chuckles which caused Specks, my eight month old Australian cattle dog mix to stand at attention. "Oh gosh." I mumbled before she had finally sobered up with only little hiccups of giggles.

"Well, Rae, you could always quit your job and go live amongst the mountain people," She suggested with playfulness weaving it's way into her words. "Tell me again, why do you feel the need to play Miss. Matchmaker with your students?" Her question was one of curiosity but her words still perfuming an exuberant type of vibe.

My shrug wasn't merely close enough to the kind of answer she wanted; I huffed once before starting into my explanation. "Well, how would you feel if there was a boy you liked and you had this class with him," My story was cut short by a groan that was followed by the sound of Harper throwing her body back onto the loveseat couch that was decorated in a floral print. Specks was under the impression that she was playing and jumped up onto the couch to bark at her.

"Not this again, are you still not over him?" Her arm was now slung across her eyes as if the sun was stinging her vision although there was no shining light to be blocked, "RaeLynn, that was about seven or so years ago. Ace Thompson was a buttface now move on." She exclaimed stumbling over her words as she searched for something other than a curse word to call him.

"I am over him," I lied right through my teeth, my arms crossed themselves over my chest while a frown stretched my lips. "Harper, it adds a little something to my work day and it's not like I'm hurting anyone." She began glaring at me as she threw her arms away from her face and propped up on her elbows.

"Not hurting anyone? What happens if they don't return the feelings? What happens if they breakup? Huh? But don't worry, Rae, no hurt feelings." I quickly diverted my attention to the floor where I ran my sock covered foot along the wooden flooring in shame. Harper realized how deep her words cut but she didn't open her mouth again unless it was to take a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich or finish off her soda.

"Okay, I guess you're just little Miss. Smarty-pants, hm? You think you have everything figured out, yeah?" I began accusing her standing up to make my way to my bedroom, one of the disadvantages to arguing with your sister is that you have to face them again one time or another. "You can show yourself out." I told her not bothering to turn my head before inching towards my door and shutting it softly behind me.

I wasn't in the right place to let my anger go flying towards her, afterall she was right. My feet brought me to a halt in front of my bag and I began to dig around until my fingers scraped against what felt like a piece of paper. Bringing it out from it's hostage in my purse I flipped it open to see Dustin's number scribbled across the bottom; before I could stop myself the sound of dial tone filled my ears.

"Hello?" A gruff voice sounded through the line which caused my eyes to dart to the alarm clock that sat on my nightstand that was blinking 2:38 A.M. in red blocks.

"Oh, gosh, I hadn't realized the time, I'm sorry." My fingers went to move to the end call button until his voice came through more alert.

"Miss. Parsons? Is that you?" Curiosity leaked onto his words like a faucet, and my mouth opened and closed a few times before the words spilled from it.

"I prefer RaeLynn but Miss. Parsons works too," I mimicked his words with a twist, his chuckle floated through the phone before I continued. "Uhm, you said to call if I needed anything and I, uh, I just needed someone to talk too." I confessed with a light blush settling it's way onto my cheeks.

"Alright, RaeLynn, what can Dr. Dustin help you with?" He emphasised my name which lead butterflies to find home in the pit of my stomach, a few moments of contemplation wafted through the air before my reply came.

"It's kind of pointless, I really don't mean to wake you or make you lose sleep." There was a sudden soft humming noise in the back that narrowed in my attention before his voice broke the trance.

"It's quite alright, darlin'. I'm up and making coffee, tomorrows a Saturday, we can stay up all night trading secrets," He teased, his smile practically jumped through the speaker and suffocated the atmosphere.

"Well, it's actually about you," I started as my leg fell onto my bed and my other leg dangled off the edge while my left hand found it's way to my black and green duvet to pick at any fuzz balls lingering on it.

"Oh no, I'm already causing drama." He chuckled a bit, his words were lacking humor as was his laugh.

"No, not like that. It's uhm, my sister doesn't think I should set-up, you know what? Nevermind, it's awfully silly." I chickened out, I'm not sure what in my brain OK'ed the act of calling him but all I wanted to do was shrink into my covers and munch on some salted pretzels.

"Well, I already got the coffee flowing through my system, what do you wanna gossip about?" The humor had made a reappearance and put my heart at ease as I was scared it would burst through my chest and lay right smack-dab in the middle of my bed, later serving as a chew-toy for Specks.

"Well, how about that bit of a southern twang you got going there?" I suggested, taking notice of it when he said words without minding to place a 'g' at the end.

"It's faded a bit, but my family flocked up here from Tennessee," he explained which caused me to nod before quickly realizing he couldn't see me.

"I guess that Tennessee pick-up line works on you then, huh?" I stretched onto my bed before the sound of wood being scraped could be heard along with Dustin's rough laugh.

"You got woodchucks, hun?" My stomach twirled at the second term of endearment I earned just in this night before I made my way to my door to allow Specks into my room and swiftly shutting it once again.

"No but I do have a dog, an Australian cattle dog mixed border collie to be exact." I stated with a matter-of-fact tone slithering into my voice.

"Hm, sounds exotic," he started with playfulness lacing his words, "like you." He finished with a smirk that was doing all the talking.

"You're about as smooth as the keyboard to a computer, boy." I informed him.

"Ouch, that ain't as smooth as I would like," he admitted while sucking on his teeth. "I'll just have to sleep on it and get back to you." I yawned as he spoke, my eyes feeling heavier as the time continued to pass.

"I guess you will. Goodnight Dustin."

"Goodnight sweetcheeks." Another 360 degree twist overtook my stomach for the third term of endearment before sleep ruled over my body.

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