Chapter 6

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     Elizabeth looked out her window at the scene below: even through the fog, multiple fires were visible, and ships burned in the harbor. Shouts and cries of pain filled the air as well as cannon fire, which echoed all around. She noticed movement directly below her window: two shadowy figures, approaching the house--pirates. Elizabeth bolted from her room, thinking of nothing but Victoria at the moment, though also wanting to make sure that no one made it into the house.
     She reached the railing overlooking the foyer, and cried out just as the butler opened the door only to be shot, watching as the man crumpled to the ground. She ducked down in horror, peering through the balusters, watching as the pirates scanned the foyer, searching. The leader is Pintel, a sallow-looking pirate with a bald head, who looked up and locked eyes with Elizabeth. Elizabeth immediately froze, astonished by the fact that she had been spotted.
     "Up there!" Pintel snapped, and the pirates rushed for the stairs, where Elizabeth scrambled back into the nearest room, which happened to be the sitting room.
     Elizabeth hurriedly shut and locked the door before listening, jumping and whirling around just as Estrella whispered, "Miss Elizabeth?"
     "Estrella," she said, voice hushed, and grabbed the maid, pulling her to the side. "Where is-"
     "So far as I know, Victoria is in her room, miss," Estrella whispered, voice shaking, eyes wide. "Cassandra went to her, just before the pirates came to the door. I was going to go to you, but I heard-" She cut off, eyes welling up with tears.
     Elizabeth shook her head, praying that her sister would be safe. "We have to get out of here-"
     "They're after you and Victoria," Estrella insisted, cutting her off, eyes on hers. When she opened her mouth, confused, Estrella only interrupted again. "You're the governor's daughters."
     She stared at the maid, eyes widening when she realized that she had a fair point. Then, suddenly, there was a loud thud against the door, and she tightened her grip on the terrified maid. "Listen, Estrella--they haven't seen you. Hide, and first chance, run for the fort. When Estrella nodded, Elizabeth shoved her into the corner, between a tall wardrobe and the wall, and dashed for the side door. When the door smashed inward, it slammed into the wardrobe, and the maid couldn't be seen.
     The pirates ran in, spotted the open side door, and ran for it. Pintel was the first through, and got the pan of the bed warmer in the face for his trouble, causing him to stagger back, holding his nose, and during the distraction, Estrella took off for the hall unnoticed. Elizabeth swung the bed warmer at the second pirate, but he caught it by the handle. Unable to jerk it free, Elizabeth wrenched it over, the pan lid swinging down, banging against the second pirate, and hot coals spilled on his head, sizzling.
     As Elizabeth dashed for the hallway stairs, the pirates burst from her bedroom, Pintel heading for the stairs, but the second pirate vaulting the handrail. Up ahead, Estrella registered the butler's body, screaming at the sight, but continued out the still-open front door at a dead run. Elizabeth followed, but the second pirate landed between her and the front door. His face was burnt, his hair smolders, and as he reached, Elizabeth pulled up short, running the other way. Pintel, on the stairs, grabbed her by the hair, but Elizabeth didn't slow, spinning and grabbing Pintel's arm with both hands and pulling him hard, belly-first, into the cap of the newel post, where he then lets go of her hair, and she continued to run.
     The instant she made it into the dining room, Elizabeth slammed the double doors shut, throwing the bolts. The interior shutters were closed over the windows, and above the fireplace were two crossed swords. Elizabeth climbed onto the firebox, grabbed one of the swords by the hilt and pulled, but it wouldn't come free. Both swords were securely attached to the wall.
     A loud smash sounded from the doors, distracting Elizabeth for only a moment as she continued to look around the room for anything that could help. On the table was a platter with fruit, cheese and bread. Elizabeth grabbed the bread knife from the platter and jabbed it into her palm, finding it useless. The blade of a boarding axe breached the door as Elizabeth quickly looked around, breathing quickly, eyes wide.

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