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"Oh your early! You don't have to set up, we have people for that," Trevor says, no idea who I am "Actually I do, I'm one of the people your mummy hired to help," I say as I cross my arms
"Your the help?"
"Yes, I'm the help,"
"I didn't mean it like that,"
"Well that's how you said it." I sigh and turn back to the chairs and pull another off the top.

"You look familiar. Your eyes," Trevor says "Your mum said the same thing,"
"Jessica? Jessica Witfiad?"
"It's Watford and I go by Jess now,"
"You've certainly changed a lot since primary," Trevor smirks "Sassier, taller, prettier," He adds
"Thanks but I'm poor, your mother already said your basically a gold digger," I say to him
"She said that?" Trevor questions
"She said you go for girls with money." I clarify "Now can you leave me to work?" I ask.

I thought Trevor would still be the nice polite person he once was, he's just charming me like I'm sure he does all the rich girls.

"Sure. You staying for the party?" Trevor asks "I'm catering the party," I answer "Then I'll see you later." Trevor smirks as he leave the cinema room
"And Trevor!" I call
"Yes," he answers, popping his head back in the room "If your phone is the new iPhone then I found it," I say, holding it out. He jogs over to me "Thanks," he smiles, winks and takes the phone out my hand.

Just over an hour later I've unpacked the hundred chairs, covered all food in tinfoil.

"Here you go," Mrs Griffin says, handing me a catering outfit "You want me to wear this?" I question. It's a shirt with a little bow and a mini shirt "You may keep your little heels," She answers "Where can I change?" I ask
"You have such a nice little body. Are you shy?" She mocks. That just shows what people like her are like, she was all nice then she found out I had no money now she just treats me like a hated member of staff. "Go change in Trevor's room," She orders "Up the stairs-" she begins
"Where are the apples?" Trevor asks, walking into the room "He can just show you," Mrs Griffin says "Trevor show this girl where your room is," She orders "Don't worry, your not his type, he goes for posher girls with class," she laughs "Stripers?" I question but she just gives me an evil look, I know her past, she was a stripper before she got into money.

"This way," Trevor shows me. I follow him out the door and into the large hall. "You've developed a sharp tongue," Trevor smirks
"You've developed money," I point out
"Thanks for finding my phone by the way. Can I offer you a reward?" Trevor asks, flashing the cash, a hundred pound to be precise "I may be poorer than you but I'm not a charity!" I shout
"I wasn't saying that. It's a lot less than the phones worth and a hundred pound is nothing to someone like-"
"Say it... Someone like you," I spit and march into the room I know is his because it says Trevor on the door.

I take off my outfit I worked so hard on for that arrogant man and put on the horrible, slutty caterer outfit. I look myself up and down in the wall length mirror in his room. "What are you doing to yourself Jess?" I ask myself
"It's nothing bad. It doesn't hurt to let your legs breath," Trevor says from the doorway "You better not of been perving on me," I sass
"Don't worry, I'm not that bad."

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