Night Time Kiss

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"So what's the plan for tonight?" Trevor asks "I'm getting a bed set and your on the couch, something I'm sure you've never done before," I reply
"I have slept on a couch before actually. When I went camping,"
"You slept on a sofa when you went camping?"
"Well glamping, our tent had sofas and a fountain," Trevor answers. I role my eyes at him and get the sheet and spare duvet out the cupboard.

"You can make you own bed for once in your life," I scoff and throw the stuff at him. I turn and walk through the open doorway into the kitchen. I open the freezer and get out some ice cream. I get out two spoons and open the lid. I leave it to defrost slightly whilst checking on Trevor whose tangled up in bed sheets.

"You want some help?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips "No, I got this," he muffles from under the duvet. I walk back into the kitchen and get the ice cream. Then I stand in the corner of the living room and eat the ice cream whilst laughing silently at Trevor's attempts to make a bed.

About ten minutes later he's done it. "You look like a bit of a creep sitting in the corner of a room staring at me, you know?" Trevor questions
"It's not creepy if your being funny. It's like watching a bad TV show, 'Trevor's Troubles'" I laugh, getting up and joining him on the bed. I offer him a spoon and some ice cream and turn on the TV. "Told you I could do it," he smirks.

"How'd you find out where I lived?" I ask "I asked around," I glare at him knowing that isn't the truth "And when that didn't work I Internet stalked you until I found out," Trevor sighs.

"So tell me," Trevor says
"About what?" I question
"About you, what's your life been like since the last time I met you,"
"When you left school I hated you for leaving me even through we rarely spoke." I say
"I missed you too,"
"That's not what I said,"
"But that's what you meant,"
"No it isn't! I would never miss someone like you," I spit
"Someone like me?"
"Arrogant. Look at you, you love yourself even more than-" Trevor stops me by leaning in to kiss me but I move away and accidentally fall off the back of the sofa. I land with a thud, making Trevor open his eyes.

"Good night." I say and disappear into my room. I cannot go back to him. Resist! Resist the urge Jess! He may be a god, a perfectly chiselled man but-wait why am I trying to talk myself out of this again? I reopen my door to see Trevor stood in the hallway, I walk over to him "I'm sorry I shouldn't of-" he begins before I kiss him.

"This can never happen again," I whisper into his ear and walk back into my room. Mid kiss I remembered every reason I can't have him.

I change into some shorts and a vest top to sleep in and curl up in bed with my pillow.

I wait about half an hour before getting up and creeping into the living room. I feed my fish as I remember I forgot this morning. I go into the kitchen and wash my hands. I get some milk and pour it into a glass. Return it to the fridge and quietly go to my room again.

Trevor's POV:

She kisses me, Jess kisses me! I thought this was great until she pulls away and tells me it can never happen again but before I can even open my mouth to reply she speed walks back to her room and shuts the door.

I stare at her door for a short while until I decide to do something about it. I walk over to her door and knock, I can hear he TV so I think she can't hear my, I push the door open slightly.

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