The Wedding

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I have red knuckles but it was worth it. "I did it!" I exclaim
"Good now try and get out," Trevor orders. I look down to see a straight drop. Fuck! "I can't get down!" I yell back to him "Fuck!" He shouts
"It's a straight drop!"
"Don't do anything just let me think."
"If we have a chance at stopping the wedding I'll have to just hope for the best and get down!" I explain
"You'll break your neck!" Trevor shouts
"If I put my hands out-"
"You'll break your elbows!" He yells
"Well what do you suggest?" I ask him
"I don't know. Let me think."

We spend a few minutes in silence. "This is ridiculous. I'm taking my chances." I tell him
"Don't you dare! Jess listen to me, if you hurt yourself-"
"It's only like fifteen feet,"
"More my mum thinks it's fancy to have high ceilings and these vents are at the top so-"
"Short version!" I shout, getting tired of his long winded explanation
"You'll get injured."
"What other choice do we have?" I ask. I feel a hand on my ankle that makes me jump. Trevor pulls me back through the vent.

I drop into his arms on the first side. "Trevor!" I exclaim
"I have an idea," he says to me
"Well couldn't you of told me?"
"I was afraid you wouldn't of listened plus I needed you back here." Trevor replies and puts me down.

Trevor bends down and picks up about ten pillows and shoves them into the vent. "Push them along, it'll break the fall," Trevor orders
"Take two." We do the whole boost thing again and I shuffle through the vent once more with the pillows and shove them out the other side before dropping on to them.

I crash on to them and run round to the other side and open the door with the key that stupid Steve left on the side. "Hurry!" I tell him. We rush to the front door which of corse is locked. "Now what?" I ask
"I have my key." Trevor pulls his key out of his pocket and unlocks the door.

We sprint to his Lamborghini and Trevor turns on the engine and zooms down the road. Trevor parks across two spaces. "Seriously?"
"I don't want any dings."

I open my door and Trevor does the same. We run into the ceremony. "Wait!" We both shout as we crash through the doors. Everyone turns their attention to us. I'm so glad it's the right wedding, usually in movies we'd be in the wrong wedding.

"Where were you Trevor?" Cassandra asks "He locked us in the store cupboard!" Trevor yells, pointing to Steve. "Steve is this true!" Cassandra exclaims, pulling her hands out of his
"It is. He's marrying you for the money!" I exclaim, soon realising this isn't my place to talk. "Why are you here?" Cassandra asks
"I'll tell you later but for now this wedding needs to stop!" Trevor tells them.

Everyone stares at us including Steve, he looks at us with hate and fear. "You can't marry him, he's doing it for the money. That's why he locked us in there!" Trevor exclaims
"Is this true?" Cassandra asks Steve but he doesn't answer "It is!" She gasps and fleas down he isle.

"I have to go see she's okay, stand with our cousins." Trevor orders and points to the men on the first row.

I walk over to them, a young girl, two boys my age and who I can assume is their dad (Trevor's uncle/Cassandra brother) "Is this all true?" The man asks "I'm afraid so," I reply, the man runs off after his sister.

"I'm Alice," the little girl says "These are my brothers Max and Leo," she adds "I'm Jess," I smile
"Are you and Trevor okay?" Max asks
"We're fine." I answer

"Jessica!" Steve yells as he storms over
"Go away Steven, we've seen your true colours." Max snaps
"You should go before our daddy gets back," the little girl says
"Your daddy?" Steve mocks
"Go. You know he'll kick the crap out of you." Leo hisses.

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