Chapter 5-Story Behind Them

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Since, we finished playing all the games we wanted, I went into the bathroom to check my hair and makeup. Yes, I do not like to dress up all girly but some of the time, it's nice considering I have a super cute boy in my room. I think he finally is starting to like me as a friend anyway. I walked out of the bathroom to find a wide eyed Jayden sitting on my bed.

He turned to me and met my gaze asking, "Who is this?"

I walked over to where is was sitting, taking the picture from his hands. I gulped. There she was. Smiling and acting like her happy self with her pink hair blowing in the wind. I missed her. She was my best friend since birth even after I had moved to Europe with my parents. A tinge of guilt come into my heart and I sighed, thinking I should tell Jayden but then I thought. Why does he care? Did he know her? What was their relationship? Daisy mentioned a few guys in the past and she did have a serious boyfriend but it couldn't have been right?

"Why do you want to know?" I asked not looking at him in the eye.

"Because she looked familiar, that's all. How-" he started but got cut off.

"Jayden, we have to go son," his father called from the stairs. I was so happy I could go down and hug his parents.

I stared at the door and then walked over to the nightstand, placing the picture back on the table. I turned to Jayden as he stared at me. I raised an eyebrow looking at him because I was confused, he wasn't leaving. He sighed, stood up and left. I peered out the window, that overlooked the side of the house where their car was and watched them get in. Right before, Jayden got in, he looked up my window and our eyes met for the split of a second.

I turned away and knew that one thing was for certain. I was going to find out how he knew Daisy and he would never find out who she was to me.

I walked into school on Monday with the picture that Jayden had looked at Friday night. I was determined to find out the story behind them. I mean I already sort of had an idea but I did not want to accept it. I got at school early in my car. I park right next to Jayden in the morning because I know he drives a red mustang. He wasn't there so I was in the clear to find out all the details I needed.

I had phoned Blake that morning, telling him I wanted to meet up. He thought meeting up was us making out but I know it was to comfort him about Daisy.

I waited by the bleachers and looked at the picture. It was sad thinking of her but it was nice to because she was the one who I called my bestfriend, the one who I know I could tell anything. I got distracted when arms wrapped around my waist. I quickly shoved them off and turned around looking at Blake.

"Hi," he said cheerfully. Way too cheerful on a Monday morning. "How lo-" he started.

"What do you know about this girl?" I asked cutting him off. I was not going to tell him I knew who she was. I held up the picture.

"Oh, um... she was named Daisy. She was a very friendly and cheerful person to be around. I would have asked her out if Jayden wasn't already dating her and were in love. Why do you want to know?" he stated.

Daisy dated Jayden. They loved each other. Now my guilt bar was raised up by a hundred percent. Figures the one guy I actually like, a lot if I might add, was in love with my former best friend a year ago. When I was living in Paris, at the time, Daisy had told me she fell in love with a guy. She would never show me a picture though because she wanted me to meet him for myself. I always protested but she never gave in. This is why I never wanted to accept this details. I could cry right there but then Blake would know something was up.

"I, um.., I was curious. Someone mentioned her and asked me to find out who she was. I figured you would since you have been at this school all four years,' I started quickly. I wanted to run and get out of there. "I have to go," is all I said as I ran away towards to main doors of the school, seeing the red mustang park next to mine. Figures, I thought as I sighed.

As I walked through the door of my English classroom, our principal, Mr. Webber got on the intercom. "Attention, all seniors. Please make your way down to the gym. Once again, all seniors make your way down to the gym. Thank you," he said in monotone.

When I got to the gym, I found my seat next to Ash. After all of the noisy and pushy students found their seats, Mr. Webber walked in with his assistant and the Vice Principal. He walked over and picked up the microphone.

"Okay, settle down please. We have a very special announcement. As the seniors are allowed to have one field trip that is a fun day with no work, we have decided that the field trip location this year will be...," he paused for dramatic effect, "Disneyworld which we will be going to for the day in two weeks," he finally stated.

Cheers and loud voices started to fill the gym. People started shouting their excitement and even though our principal wanted to say something else, he had completely lost us. I thought it would be fun at Disneyworld. I have never been so I wouldn't know. I sighed and looked around trying to find a certain boy that rhymed with Hayden and when I did our eyes locked.

I just smiled like a big idiot.

Authors Note

Hey guys! This was over a thousand words again. I am getting used to the idea of writing longer chapters! How do you guys like it so far?

I have many more surprises to come! Do you think Hope will now avoid Jayden because of the information or do you think Jayden will ask her about the photo?

Do you guys like the characters?

Thanks for reading and make sure to comment/vote!

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