Chapter 25-Truth

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When he won, I was so happy for him. The smile on his face was one I hadn't seen in a long time. He was wearing his racing suit and he looked so good in it. I hugged him because I wanted to touch him so badly. Well, I wanted to kiss him but that would have been more awkward than the hug.

Currently, he was taking me to some place near the race track. We walked through the woods for like ten minutes. I jumped quite a few times and when I did he just gripped my hand tighter. I was blushing but luckily he couldn't see that.

We stopped in the sight of a waterfall. Even though it was dark, you could still see the blue water and green trees. He lead me to a rock. I motioned for him to sit.

"So..," he started once again with a smirk on his face.

"Right. Yes. Talking. I came here with you to talk," I started stopping myself from staring. "I figured I owe you an explanation on why I said no to you that day at the beach. So here it goes. Get comfortable because it's a long story and I am going to start from the way beginning.

When I was five I met Daisy. We were in kindergarten. We bonded over stealing a little boy's slice of pizza. We were hungry and didn't have a lunch so we decided to take it. We took it and split it in two where we shared it. After that, we became best friends. We had sleepovers every weekend, crashed all of our parent's parties and played all the same sports. In sixth grade, we met Charity and we were so happy to have another person into our little group. Daisy and I were the type of girls who were friendly but didn't know if we could trust you. However, when we saw Charity steal an apple from her brother without him looking we knew she was the final one to put into our trio. So therefore, we became the best friend trio. We did everything together and always hoped to continue that.

At the end of eighth grade, I was told I was moving to Paris because my dad was going to be teaching other people how to race overseas. At first, I was beyond excited, I always loved going to the races and I wanted to travel. However, leaving meant I was going to leave Charity and more importantly Daisy. I was so upset and a complete wreck. I had begged my parents to let me stay with Daisy because they offered but my dad said no.

So two months later, we were off to Paris. Once we arrived, I found out I would be going to an all French school so I would have to learn the language. Of course, I took French all three years of middle school so I was a little advanced than most people. Since I would be going into the ninth grade, I was allowed to choose all the courses I wanted to take. I was so upset so I studied all the time never leaving my room. I took Spanish, Italian, German, English etc and continued to learn all about the cultures. My dad was so impressed he even let me go with him to certain races he was helping with or races my brother was participating in. 

That year, I kept in touch with Daisy but not Charity. Daisy and I would talk for hours and she mentioned she got a boyfriend. She was so happy and I was so happy for her too. She told me he had blonde hair, blue eyes bluer than the bluest ocean and the best personality. The only thing she didn't tell me was his name because she wanted me to come back over the summer and meet him myself. I had planned too but it got cancelled and I was never able to come back that summer.

The next year, we still continued to talk and she still told me she was with this boy who she loved so much. You have no idea how many nights I went through Oh I love him and he loves or we got into a fight and what if we break up. Blah Blah. Of course, I was dating someone too at the time. His name was Louis and you knew that but I was drooling over him. In fact, that's why he cheated on me. I did not want to have sex with him so he got mad and went to find some himself. One month later, after he cheated on me, it was summer and I was beyond excited because Daisy was coming that summer. I thought that summer was going to be perfect but instead it sucked. I finally had all of my favorite people in one place only for them to be ripped away like that." I stopped as I was nearly crying but continued anyway.

"One night over the summer when I was in the car with my parents, two brothers and Daisy, they were all arguing where they wanted to go to eat. It was pouring down rain and I could barely see out the window. I tried to get them all to stop fighting but they won't. I was scared at that point because we already skidded a couple of times. We finally skidded so hard that we stopped and a car from behind ran right into us as my dad ran into the car in front of us. I got out of the car and realized no one else did. I opened the car back up and it was all covered in blood. I tried shaking everyone of my family members and Daisy but none of them woke up.

I called 112 and they were all taken to the hospital. My dad died right there on the scene along with my two brothers. My mom made it two weeks and Daisy made it one week. I cried and cried so much until all my tears were gone. I had two different funerals. One for my family in Paris and one for my Daisy back here. After all the funerals were done, I was a mess. My uncle and aunt thought it was a bad idea to stay in Paris so they brought me back to their house.

Junior year, I was a mess. I cried and cried noting wanting any friends or the attention. I shut myself out from everyone. I turned into the bad girl and started messing with boys to distract myself. I met Ash at a party and we instantly clicked. After getting to know him, he kissed me and we ended up having sex. We continued to do this until the beginning of senior year. We were like an outlet for each other. He wanted to start a real relationship but I was too scared. I had just lost everyone and got cheated on so we agreed on Best Friends with Benefits. I told him parts of my past but not all of it. We continued to drink and smoke and all of that. He is the only guy I have ever slept with. The only good thing I did that year was make it onto two national teams for swimming.

Over the summer, the swim coaches found out I was drinking and smoking so they told me to stop unless they wanted me to be off the team. Normally, if you were doing drugs you would be out right there and then but I was one of the best on the team and they wanted to keep me. So I stopped all the drinking and smoking and fooling around with people because I knew I needed to change. I pretended to be someone I was not and built a wall.

Then you showed up to my party that night and told me you didn't date girls like me which hurt because I liked you junior year. I was so mad at you for thinking you knew me and who I was so I tried my best to annoy you the best I could. I tried to hate you instead of like you but that didn't work out. Then in the most random moments of my life you started popping up. After that you saw Daisy's picture in my room and I realized you were the love of her life. I freaked out and didn't want to get too close to you but you see how that turned out.

Finally, the night you asked me to be your girlfriend I panicked because I was scared. You were so nice and sweet and I didn't trust myself enough to be in a relationship. Over the last few years, I have lost everyone I have ever loved and I didn't want to fall in love with you only to lose you. I broke your heart that night and I broke mine too because even though I was scared I already knew I fell in love with you. After telling myself that, I came to your house but you didn't want to hear it and I felt even worse. So I decided to be your friend and let you call the shots.

So yeah. That is the truth about me and my past. I know you might not love me back but I want to let you know that I love you. I will always love you. I will trust you even if you don't trust me. I will be faithful and I try to make you as happy as you make me feel. I know you might not want to work this out but if you do that is everything I am willing to give," I stopped and took a breath. Man I talked for a long time.

I stared at Jayden and all he did was stare at me. He got up from the rock and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me tightly. I loved being in his embrace but his silence shocked me. I don't know if he wants to be with me or not. I pulled back and he was smiling. Before I knew it I was being pushed into the water with a big splash. He laughed and stuck out his hand. Bad move.

Author Note

This is the longest chapter I have ever written! I hope you guys liked it and if you have any questions or things do not make sense please leave a comment and I will answer or fix it.

Thank you so much for those have been reading. I do not know how many chapters are going to be left. This might be the last one before the epilogue! I will have to see soon! 

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