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The trio stayed in the cave to talk to Sirius for a while longer. When they left, they thought it would be too late to meet up with the others and that they'd probably have gone back to the school by then, so they decided that they’d go straight back to the castle rather than hanging around. When they were passing by the Three Broomsticks, however, they heard young Sirius calling Hermione over to have a few butter beers before they went back to school. They went in to the nearly empty pub and to the very back where the rest of the marauders and the twins were seated. Though Peter was there, he was obviously excluded and sat apart from the rest of them, who were in a deep conversation about quidditch. While James, Harry, Ron and Remus were discussing the differences between brooms in this time and in the 1970’s, Sirius pulled Hermione away, so Peter wouldn’t hear what they were talking about.

“So, how did it go with old me?” he asked, his usual joking manner disappearing for the moment.

“It went really well, I think. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t remember anything about you guys even coming here, never mind that we were- are- in a relationship.” Hermione said, looking as relieved as Sirius felt.

“Well that’s something at least. Was it as awkward for you as you thought it’s be?” he asked, nudging her arm and grinning. She smiled back reluctantly, the blood rushing to her cheeks.

“Yes, it was extremely awkward. I couldn’t look him in the eye. I think I might have hurt his feelings, actually.” She said sheepishly.

“Aw, poor old me, getting his feelings hurt by the girl that he was in love with and may be possibly in love with still even if he doesn’t realise it and it’s very illegal and creepy.” Sirius said, becoming horrified the more he spoke. Hermione had a similar reaction.

“No! You don’t think he felt anything for me in that cave do you? But, he’s Harry’s godfather! It’s weird enough that you love me, but he is legitimately twenty years my senior, and there’s no weird time travel scenario to explain that away.” She exclaimed, maybe a bit too loudly as some of the few people remaining in the pub turned around to stare at her.  She didn’t really care about that just then. She got her bearings a bit before continuing, a bit quieter this time. “But what if he was having feeling for me in the cave and he couldn’t explain them, and he felt really bad because I’m fifteen and he is thirty-five, and also I’m his godson’s best friend and it’s really weird. Poor Sirius.” She finished her little outburst  and looked up at Sirius, obviously expecting an answer. He shrugged.

“We may never know. Well, I will know, but not for a few years yet, and from what you said I won’t even remember to tell you. It’s like a never ending circle.” He said unhelpfully. Hermione grimaced. Sirius grabbed her hand and dragged her back to their table. He knew it probably wasn't a good idea to discuss these things much more in public.

Eventually, they all finished their drinks, talked some more about different things such a school work and the Christmas holidays, and left the pub at around eight o’clock. As they were leaving, none of them noticed the two people watching them from across the room. Not one of them, except for Peter.

At first, he just felt someone staring at him, He could feel their eyes on his back and sure enough, when he turned around, he saw two boys of around fifteen quickly looking away. Wasn’t that the Malfoy boy, and his friend Zabini? They were Slytherins, what could they possibly want to do with them? Narrowing his eyes, he continued following his friends out the door. Or at least he thought they used to be his friends. Now he wasn’t so sure. They seemed to be avoiding him at all costs, never staying in the same room as him for too long, and not speaking to him at all if they could help it. And he was pretty sure they had been the ones to pull that prank on him a couple of months back, and had landed him in the hospital wing. He didn’t say anything to them though, preferring to not cause any trouble, but he just really wanted to know what he did wrong. What could he have possibly done to make them act like this toward him. He couldn’t recall anything he could have done, but he was sure they had a good reason for doing this to him. Or, they were just sick of him. It was not surprising, he was expecting that this would happen eventually, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

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