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James was shocked, obviously, after finding out that when he and his friends went back to their time, he and Lily were going to be killed in just a few years. He decided he wouldn't tell Dumbledore that he had found out as he was sure he would only be told not to do anything, or obliviated and sent back to his own time along with Sirius, Remus and Peter. He was going to have to tell the other Marauders though, and that he was dreading. He spoke to Harry for a while after Harry told him, hoping to find out more information because the more he knew the more of a chance he had of stopping it from happening.

"That's terrible, it's awful that you were an orphan from such a young age. Do you live with your grandparents now, or a family friend?" James asked. He was desperatly hoping that Harry was being taken care of by his or Lily's parents, or Sirius or Remus. Peter was one of his best friends, but he could hardly look after himself, much less a child. He, Sirius and Remus had also made a deal in fifth year that Sirius would be the godfather of James' first child, James would be the godfather of Remus' first child, and Remus would be the godfather of Sirius' first child. So it was most likely that Harry would now be living with Sirius, unless something had happened to him. But James really didn't want to think about that.

"No, I live with my aunt and uncle, Petunia and Vernon, and their son Dudley." Harry told him, looking distant, as though he was remembering something.

"So, do you not like them?" James asked.

"Hmm?" Harry jumped as though he had just remembered James was still there.

"I asked whether or not you liked them" 

"Oh, well, no. There terrible really. They absolutely hate magic... and me... and pretty much everything else that isn't 'normal' according to them." Harry said. He was remembering how bad it was living with them for eleven years until he got to go to Hogwarts. He'd had more fun in one week at Hogwarts than he'd ever had at the Dursleys'. 

James thought he remembered Lily complaining about her sister, in their early years at Hogwarts, saying that she was hardly talking to her, ever since she had gotten her Hogwarts letter. Lily had also said that when Petunia did talk to her, it was to call her a freak, or some other horrible name. James thought that Lily's sister sounded like the equivalent of a pure-blood crazed person in the wizarding world. He couldn't believe that someone like that could be related to Lily. She was the kindest person he'd ever met, though she was hardly ever kind to him. He was starting to see that that was his own fault though. He could see what she meant when she called him a big-headed, arrogant toe-rag, and he was determined to change his ways.

"That sounds bad. So I take it thats why you don't like going home for the holidays?" James asked. He was wondering why Harry didn't live with Sirius or Remus, and was worried that something had if fact happened to them. He was also very happy that Sirius had found that spell to bring them to the future, so they had the chance to find out what was supposed to happen and change it.

"Yes, that's the reason. I would stay at Hogwarts during the summer if i could." said Harry with a laugh.

"Why don't you live with Ron or Hermione?" James asked. If Harry disliked staying with the Dursleys that much, then it must be really bad. He could be beaten or anything and no-one would know, because Potters were the type of people to try and never show any kind of weakness and he knew Harry was like this just from being with him these last few weeks.

"Ha ha, Mrs. Weasley has asked me that loads of times. I would love to leave the Dursleys, but Dumbledore won't let me." Harry said. Anger flared up inside James. He didn't understand how it could be Dumbledore's decision where Harry stayed during the summer. He was the headmaster, yes, and a fantasticly powerful wizard, but that doesn't mean he gets to decide the fate of anyone outside of the school year. 

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