Do you wanna start with me, Lupin?

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New chapter! I've decided to do this one a little bit different from the rest. Instead of using third person P.O.V, this chapter is going to be James' P.O.V. I just wanted to try it out, see how well it works :) If you like it better this way, tell me in the comments and I'll probably do more like this, depending on what most people prefer. Hope you enjoy!

James' P.O.V

We walked into the hospital wing and found Peter sitting on his hospital bed, smiling at us, his hair turned back to normal, but still a good few painful-looking boils on his face. Just the sight of him made me want to lash out and break something, preferably his arm, leg... I just hate him so much! Just sitting there, being all happy to see us. It just makes me so mad, that he dosn't even realise what he's going to do to us in just a few short years. Well, would do to us, if we gave him the chance. Now we know not to trust him with anything. 

"Hello Peter. How are you feeling?" Moony asked. I could see how he was obviously trying his hardest not to hex Peter. I didn't trust myself to open my mouth, because I knew that I would abuse Peter with my best choice of swear words (which are pretty bad) and hexes that came to mind, which would attract Madam Pomphrey's attention and we didn't want that. So Padfoot and I just sat there quietly at first and let Moony talk.

"I'm okay, Moony. Just a little sore. I didn't mean to insult all those people, I swear. I think someone else must have jinxed me so would I do it, trying to get me in trouble" Peter told us. "I didn't see who did it though, so we won't be able to do much about them." he lay back on the pillow, looking agitated. Good. I hope it really gets to him.

"That's too bad, isn't it guys?" asked Moony, elbowing me and Padfoot. I took this as our queue to say something. I guess even someone as stupid as Peter is bound to notice if his supposedly-best- friends don't say anything to him while he's in hospital. Though I'd feel really sorry for anyone who's as stupid as Peter.

"Yeah that is too bad."

"Terrible... I'd love to hex someone right now." Padfoot said through clenched teeth. I looked away and smiled to myself. But it didn't last very long, as I remembered Peter was in the room. This is so depressing... I thought sadly.

"I don't even know why they did it though! I've never really done anything to anyone in this time, except the odd prank on a Slytherin with you guys... does someone have something against me?" Peter said. Yes, traitor, someone does have something against you. I thought, scowling. I looked at Sirius to see that he had a similar expression on his face, as did Moony. Peter noticed the scowls. 

"What's up with you guys?" he asked, giving us a strange look.

"I'm just trying to think of who might have something against you, but I havn't been able to think of anyone. Have you been doing stuff that we didn't know about?" asked Remus. Yeah, like becoming a Death Eater.

"No, I've always been with one of you guys since we got here. The only time I've been alone was when I got attacked, or whatever it was that happened... " Peter said. It's a good thing he's so stupid, because I'm sure anyone else would at least suspect us by now. And I didn't miss the 'Since we got here' part. That could mean that he's already made friends with the Slytherins at home.

"Oh well, there's not much we can do about it then. We better get back to the common room guys, we have homework to do." said Sirius, jumping up. 

"Yeah, we should go... bye." I said and walked to the door, Moony close behind me after saying goodbye too.

"I couldn't stand one more minute in the same room as the traitor." said Sirius when we were out of earshot of the Hospital Wing.

"I was about to suggest we leave to. I hate having to pretend to be friends with that slime ball." I said.

"Well, I don't think he suspected us at all, thankfully. Though I'm not surprised. But he might have thought something was wrong at the end." said Moony thoughtfully.

"Why?" I asked.

"Padfoot hurrying back to do homework. I think even Peter would notice somethings up." said Moony, smiling at Sirius. 

"Shut up, Moony." said Padfoot, smiling aswell. He punched Moony on the arm. Moony punched him back.

"Do you wanna start with me, Lupin, because-"

"Lupin?"          Uh oh.


Dun-dun-dunnnnnn! Cliff-Hanger! Hope you liked it, the next chapter will be up by this time next week, hopefully!

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