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"Don't talk to him."

"Don't look at him."

"Don't make eye contact."

"Don't even go near him."

"Stay away from him and his satanic friends."

those 5 sentences are over said way to many time in my house. My parent's dont like our neighbor. I've seen him a few times and he steemed fine to me. He was even cute. My parents said that him and his friends were satanic but i don't believe them.

My family is very religious. I'm not as into it as they are. I'm more forced than anything. I go to church every sunday and I even go to a catholic school. And boy, am i getting sick of religion.

"Okay bye Mom, i'm going to babysit." i said before leaving.

I walked to the house down the street and began babysitting the horrible kids.


As i reached the front door i tried opening it but it was locked. I looked through my bag for my keys but they werent there.

great my parents wont be home till 8 and it's only 3. i sat down on my front steps and contemplated what to do.

"Hey! Do you need help getting in?" someone asked.

I looked up and saw the man i was never supposed to talk to or even look at.

"Um no I'm fine." i mumbled, looking down. avoiding all eye contact.

"Hey i know your parents think im satanic but you dont have to be afraid of me. I'm not gonna hurt you or sacrifice you to satan." he said laughing a little.

I chuckled. "I dont think you're satanic." i shrugged.

"I'm not, but really do you wanna come stay at my place till your parents are back?" he asked.

"I'll just wait...." i said uneasy.

"Come on, when will they be back?"


"That's 5 hours from now. I'm not letting you wait out here for 5 hours."

i sighed. "i dont even know your name! and plus my parents would kill me if they found out." i ranted.

"Vinny, and they dont have to know." he shrugged.

"Cute name for a cute face." i said.

my cheeks instantly got red once i realized what i said.

He laughed at my embarrassment.

"You're adorable." he smiled.

"Thanks." i said and looked down, still avoiding eye contact.

"Please come with me i dont want to leave you out here for 5 hours." he said. I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Okay." i said standing up and walking across the street with him. He opened the door for us and let me in. I looked around and smiled.

"You play drums?" i asked.

"Yeah, and hey i never got your name." he said, shutting the door.


innocence // vinny mauroWhere stories live. Discover now