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Friday Night

I was home alone doing my biology homework when the doorbell rang. I groaned, realizing no one else was home and i had to open the door.

i proceeded to toss my book off my lap and open the door.

"Hey." Vinny smiled as i opened thr door.

"um can i help you?" i asked, confused by why he was here.

"yeah, let me in." he said.

"my parents aren't home." i said.

"exactly." he said. "Come on, baby let me in, you know you want to." he smirked.

"whatever." i said, pushing the door aside and moving back to my previous position on the couch. I picked up my biology book and notes and continued studying or well attempting to study, Vinny's presence was throwing me off a bit.

"what are you studying?" he asked taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"biology." i mumbled, re reading my notes and still not understanding the material.

"you look frustrated."

"Yeah, i dont understand this and the test is tomorrow." i groaned.

"Maybe i can help." he said.

i looked up at him and saw that he was smirking.

"Uh yeah i guess you could try." i shrugged and handed him the notes.

he took a few minutes and read over the papers.

"mhmm, lets play a game that'll make you remember." he said, looking up from the papers.

"what kind of game?" i asked.

"a game you'll enjoy."

"what are the rules?" i asked.

he smirked at me and placed his hand on my inner thigh.

"I'll finger you and ask you a question, if you get it wrong i will stop until you get one right."

"oh." i mumbled.

"do you want that?" he asked me, while his hand began inching up  to rub me through my shorts.

"yes." i whimpered.

"good, question one-"

his hand slipped into my shorts then under my underwear. his thumb rubbed my clit for a bit while he looked over the paper.

he trailed his finger up and down before pushing one in.

"fuck." i moaned, as he started slowing pushing it in and out.

"-I'll give you an easy one to start with, what's DNA?"

"deoxyriboneucleic acid found mainly in the nucleus."

"good." he said, increasing the speed of his finger.

"what is the genetic code?"

"a set of rules that specify to the codons in DNA or RNA tht corresponds to the amino acids in proteins."

"seems like you know this already." he said, adding a second finger.

"oh god." i moaned.

"you like that?" he asked.


"next question, whats used to tell the age of organic materials?"

"oh fuck uh." i mumbled as my eyes closed and i let out a quiet moan.

"i need an answer, Avery." he said, pulling his fingers out momentarily before slowly pushing them back in.

"shit, homologous structure." i whimpered.

"wrong." he said, removing his fingers completely.

"what? fuck, give me another question!" i panted out.

Vinny chuckled. "you want it that bad huh?"

"come on Vinny." i whined.

"okay okay, what are the building blocks of protein?"

"amino acids!" I almost shouted.

"calm down jesus." he mumbled, adding his fingers again. he started pushing them in and out at a slow pace.

"are you close?" he asked.

"faster." i whimpered. he nodded and began moving his fingers faster.

"last question, if you get this wrong I'll stop completely and you won't cum." he said, smirking at me.


"What are inspiration and expiration?" he asked.

"breathing process!" i said too quickly. next thing i know he was removing his fingers once again.

"wait no please, i know it!" i said grabbing his hand and pushing it back down.

"nope." he said pulling his hand away.

"come on, you started this you need to finish it." i said.

"you got the question wrong." he said shaking his head.

"give me another one! please!"

he sighed. "Beg me to touch you." he said.

"what?" i asked.

"beg me." he repeated.

"please Vinny." i whimpered.

his hand traveled back up my thighs.

"you can do better than that." he said running his hand up and down over my underwear and putting pressure on where i need him the most.

"come on, please." i moaned.

"fine." he said, pushing his fingers back in.

i let out a whine of relief as he started increasing the speed of his fingers. he pulled me closer and used his other hand to push my hair away and began lightly kissing my neck.

"moan my name." he said against my skin.

"vinny." i moaned.

"cum for me." he whispered in my ear, pushing his fingers deeper and faster.

"oh my god." i moaned as i came. he slowly pulled his fingers out and kissed my neck once more before pulling away.

"you used the lords name in vain, looks like somone needs to go to confession again."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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