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2 hours later me and Vinny were sitting on his couch playing halo.

I was hysterically laughing as he kept killing me.

"You're so mean." i said pouting.

he chuckled. "Fine, I'll let you kill me." he said, putting his controller down. I cheered happily and killed him.

i smiled and put the controller down.

"Happy?" he asked.


"I'm glad." he said.

"wanna watch a movie? Since your mom wont be home for a few." he asked.

"Sure." he stood up and looked through his movies.

"You know Vinny, you're really nice. I dont get why my parents make you seem like such a bad person." i said.

"Thanks. And honestly i thought you were gonna be just like your parents. I almost didnt come over and talk to you." he said

i chuckled. "I'm nothing like my parents."

"No but you're so innocent...its intriguing." he said licking his lips.

I just shrugged and watched him put a movie on.

he sat back down on the opposite couch. I curled into a ball and got comfortable.

As soon as the movie title popped up and i glared at him.

"I hate you." i said.

he had put on a horror movie. I hated horror movies more than anything.

"You love me." he said.

I flipped him off and laid back down.

"Woah, such bad gestures for such a good girl." he said.

I sat up. "You're right, i'm sorry i shouldnt-" i started apologizing.

"You're so innocent, Come here." he said, biting his lip. I stood up and walked over to his nervously. I stood in front of him, looking down avoiding his eye contact.

His hands grasped my hips and pulled me down onto his lap, his hands rested on my thighs.

i looked behind him, focusing on anything but him.

"Why are you so nervous? Look at me." he said, putting his hand on my cheek and turning my face to look at him.

"I'm not nervous." i mumbled, obviously lying.

"Can i try something?" he whispered.

"W-what do you wanna try?" i asked, nervously.

"Have you ever gotten a hickey before?" he asked, pushing my hair off my neck.

"No." i said, quietly.

"well you're about to get one." he said.

his lips went down to my neck and he began kissing my neck.

my arms made their way around his neck and my lips parted as he started biting and sucking on parts of my neck. I let out a quiet moan. He smirked against my skin but soon enough pulled away.

he looked at me, smirking.

"Wanna see?" he asked. I nodded and he pointed to a mirror that hung on the wall near his kitchen. I stood up and walked over to it. I examined my neck. I had two hickeys. Vinny walked up behind me.

"How am i gonna hide them?" i panicked.

"Makeup." he said with a shrug.

I glared at him. "Why did i let you do this? My parents will kill me if they see this."

"Oh I'm sorry, did you not enjoy it?" he asked, crossing his arms and smirking.

"well yeah i enjoyed it..." i said looking down. "But i shouldn't have."

He raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"

"This was all so wrong. I should have never agreed to coming here. I cant be here with you. I was never supposed to talk to you. I've broken so many rules. All in one day, might i add. My parents are going to kill me. Probably make me go to confession, which is so dumb i dont even believe in god at this-" i was interrupted by Vinny pressing his lips against mine.

"Please stop talking." he mumbled and pulled away.

"Sorry, i should go." i said, pushing him away and making my way to the door.

"Avery, wait." he said calling behind me.

"No, I'll see you later or something." i said opening his door and leaving. I ran across the street and waited till my got home.

i waited for almost an hour, every once in a while i would see Vinny's curtains move and him peak out to see if i was still there.

"Hey honey, what are you doing out here?" she asked, and made her way to the door and unlocked it.

"Locked out." i said.

"You must've been out there for so long, doesn't babysitting end at 3?" she asked.

I adjusted my hair to make sure my hickeys werent visable.

"No it worked out well. They needed me for a few extra hours so i just got home." i lied.

She smiled "that's good." i nodded and followed her into the kitchen and grabbed a water.

"Hey, honey what is that on your neck?" she asked and i froze.

"I dont know.."

"Don't lie, it's a sin."

She approached me and i shut my eyes as she moved my hair over.

"Oh my! Are those hickeys?!" she yelled.

"um." was all i managed to say.

"Who gave you these?" she yelled.

"No one." i mumbled.

"I bet it was that satanic boy across the street, i see the way he looks at you." she hissed.

"No mom! Vinny is actually-"

"Vinny?! You know him by his first name?! How dare you! I told you to never talk to him and look what you did. Now he's giving you hickeys! This is not allowed Avery Rose Thomas! Go to your room until your father gets home."

innocence // vinny mauroWhere stories live. Discover now