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Today is Friday the day i would confessed my love to Senpai. I have eliminated my rivals, the school nurse, Kokona, Oka, the delinquent leader, substitute teacher, Senpai's imoto (sister), the student council president, Swim captain, and so on. Everything has lead to this moment, there is one rival left and that was Osana Najimi. She is always around Senpai so i never had the chance to kill her,

As i run in the hallway to make my way to the back of the school i see Osana standing under the sakura tree. I can also see her blush and as i watch, just standing frozen not able to move, i witnessed her passing on an envelop that was pink. One that looked just like mine. As she hands it over i start to tremble. I see my senpai slowly open the envelop. He looked surprised, but then he smiles and they hug,I couldn't take it. I fall on my knees thinking why, why could't been me, where has all my hard work gone to. I stand up unstable, I start crying for the first time in my life there are hot tears streaming down my face."Huh so this is what sadness feels like". I hate it, i hate the way my chest burns. I start to run. As i run more hot tears come down my face. But then i past a familiar figure.


As I leave the club room, I start walking down stairs. Finally as I step outside I figure rushes past me, I only caught one glance at the crying girl face. Then when it finally sunk into me that it was my childhood friend Ayano. I was so surprised to have this, is the first time I've seen her crying. I run after her, i make a few tumbles during running, but nothing i couldn't handle. When i finally caught up to her it was because she had collapsed to her knees. " Ayano-chan are you ok?! what happened", i asked so worried. But she didn't respond, she only wailed and hiccup. Again this my first time seeing her like this.


I couldn't stop the tears. I didn't want to stop either. For the first time in my life i want to let it all out my feelings. I was gonna SNAP. The only reason a didn't was because i was being comforted by my best friend Budo.


This was the happiest day of my life the guy i had i crush on for years has accepted my confession and noticed me. He walked me home, but he always did we were childhood friends. But this time it was special as we would walk together as boyfriend and girlfriend.


Budo walked me home as i explained everything to him, well not everything. "Budo today i have felt this new emotion, called sad. I witnessed the guy i would kill for, get taken away from me". He looked at me concerned. I thought maybe if i joined a club i would go back to the way i was, emotionless. "Budo, do you think i can join the martial arts club", i said with a straight face like the one i always had. He just smiled.


She wanted to join the martial arts club. i smiled at her and said," Of course,but please try to attend at least twice a week, maybe we can even spar when you're at my level". She snickered,"When i'm at your level, so you mean right now cause i'm way past your level." I replied"Fine meet me in the club room after school tomorrow and we'll see who wins". It was a commotion, but it was nice seeing her back to her old self.

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