Please tell me you're ok

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A/N sorry this isn't edited and it's short, please ignore any little mistakes


"Vic, the bus is here" Tony stuck his head through my doorway

I groaned softly and rolled over in bed. Ever since I lost Katrina, I've just laid I bed, wishing for her back. Unfortunately, we've also agreed to play at Warped. It was supposed to be a surprise for Katrina to take her along. She'd never been out of San Diego, much less on a plane or touring the country. I was so certain that we would win the trial, that I said yes to touring the entire summer and taking her with us.

But here I was, with half of my soul cut out and a ton of expectations I couldn't meet. Pretending I hadn't just lost my daughter. Plastering on a smile for the fans. Playing day after day. It would be a miracle if I finished the summer with my sanity.

Goddammit, I'm so fucking selfish. How the hell is Katrina doing? Ashley never came by the house, worrying me even more. What if she just bought her some new clothes and stuff? But Katrina's hasn't answered her phone at all. What if something's wrong?

"Vic! fucking come on! Mike and Tony are already picking bunks!" Jaime's perky personality never failed to cheer me up

I sat up from my bed and shook my head so my hair fell into its usual style. Moving quickly, I pulled on some random skinny jeans and a t shirt with my usual vans. I already had all of my shit packed, so I was able to just grab the pile of bags and bring it to the bus in one trip with Jaime's help.

We went through our usual routine, doing Rock Paper Scissors to pick bunks, putting away our stuff and setting up the game systems. The other guys were addicted but I personally wasn't that into them. Mike had gotten Katrina hooked a few months ago, and the two were always playing games like Call of Duty together.

Fuck, I did it again. A year ago, I didn't even know that she existed, but now I could barely go 10 minutes without even thinking about her. The fact that Ashley had taken her completely shattered me. Sighing softly, I sat down on the couch and absentmindedly watched Jaime and Mike yell at the tv when they died in their games.

"You ok?" Tony glanced up from his Star Wars Legos looked concerned

"Yeah. Fine."

"Dude, you know you can always talk to us"

"Yeah" Not interested in trying to hold a conversation about how I felt, I went back to the bunk area.

Pulling out my phone, I sent a text to Katrina before laying in my bed and falling asleep.

Please tell me you're ok


(ik I'm doing these a lot, just bear with me)

You had to be stupid to not notice that Vic was off. He usually was the classic frontman, always talking to people and willing to take photos with fans. But he was mindless without Katrina, waking up an hour before PTV played, do soundcheck and pouring his soul out on stage. Music was the thing that dragged him through the days. Seeing the faces of the fans gave him a temporary high and the energy was exhilarating. But the minute the music stopped, Vic was back to before how he was.

Nobody except his band knew what was really going on, but they never told. Nobody actually went up to him and asked what was up either. There were whispered rumors spreading though.

"God, it's like he's a whole new person"

"I heard he just lost his daughter"

"He hasn't even known her for a year, he shouldn't be so depressed

Other guys who had kids would go up to Vic and tell that it was okay. They'd claim that they knew what it was like. They said that they would be a mess too without their children. No, they had no idea. They didn't know what it was like to have the one you love taken away by one you used to love. Just the thought that Katrina might be harmed tortured Vic.

He wasn't one to turn to drinks much, but there he was downing shots in the bus kitchen. One, two, three. And just one more for good luck.

But every night, it didn't matter if he was so drunk he was able to pass out, he always called Katrina's phone. Vic knew there would be no response, he was used to that by now. Just hearing on the voicemail got him ready for another day.

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