Mercy Carter: Prophecy of the Blood Moon Eclipse

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Mercy had the perfect home, the perfect family and the perfect life; that is until the world changed. War broke out, nothing new in the human world, but this isn’t your ordinary war. The vampires made the first move and that lead to the werewolves’ retaliation and when they hit…they hit hard! A worldwide outbreak of blood and gore with two sides controlling the humans. Forget School it no longer exists; forget your dream job you no longer dream. If you’re human then you have no choice in anything so you either submit or run.

Do you have faith? Most people have abandoned God during these hardships, but one thing they still have is hope in a single prophecy that both werewolves and vampires fight for: The child of the Blood moon eclipse. This child can take on the form of both werewolf and vampire ultimately becoming a hybrid species, but unlike all others the child’s blood will be in harmony with itself, bringing a final peace to this world.

Mercy’s sister Grace is snatched away in the night by creatures she’d never seen before, but despite her instincts telling her to hide she goes after her sister only to find a whole new complicated world that she couldn’t even begin to imagine. Dangerous creatures say that Grace is a Blood moon child, but Mercy couldn’t care less for the natural balance of things just as long as she had her sister the world could crumble.

A perfect home lost, the perfect family lost and what about the perfect life? Everything’s gone and if you caused any of her troubles you better run because despite her name Mercy isn’t merciful and if you have her sister…GIVE UP!

Join Mercy in an adventure that you could only dream of as she battles the world and herself.

I want to know if you would read a story like this because if so I’ll start working on it so please comment!

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