Girls like girls

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Nick's POV

"You okay?" I asked cris who is sitting beside me

We are in the set for my music video, we are sitting infront of our vanity table, our make up artist were doing our make up.

She smiled weakly "uh yeah? I mean... I'm kinda nervous, but I know everything will be okay as long as you're beside me."

I hold her hand "We'll have fun, I assure you that."

"I know baby. How can you change my emotions so easy?!" She asked

I open my mouth for my make up artist to easily apply my lipstick, while cris is waiting patiently for my answer "I'm glad I have the same effect on you." I said, as soon as my lipstick was done.

She arched her right eyebrow "really huh?"

Our make up artists excused themselves as they finished our make ups.

I turned my chair to face her "you don't believe me?"

She do the same thing to her chair, she shrugged "kinda."

I frowned "are you kidding me?"

I can't believe this! Really?! She don't believe me!!

She stood up, and surprisingly laughed so hard "I... I'm just kidding baby! You have should seen your face!"

Wtf?! You want to play huh?

I pouted "I hate you."

Cris stopped from laughing, and kneeled infront of me, she cupped my cheeks "hey! Stop pouting! I'm just kidding! I believe you."

I grin in my mind

I swatted her hands off my face, I buried my face into my palm and pretend crying "I... I'm just saying th... The truth. You don't believe me anymore."

Cris held my shoulders, I can feel that her hands are shaking "hey my precious stop crying please? I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry."

I took off my palm from my face and started to laugh "now we're even!"

She sighed "okay you got me there" then she laughed with me

"Hey ladies! Time to work. Get your ass off there." Chris, my manager said

"O..okay" I managed to say in-between my laugh

Chris got out of the room.

Cris and I stood up and made our way out.
We were greeted by the other actors.
After how many minutes of some more preparation, we started to film.
(Just imagine nick is the other girl in the music video)


"That was fun." Cris cheered as we ride our car

I started the engine and drive "i told you."

"I can't wait to see the whole video!" Cris said with full of excitement in her voice

I slowly shook my head "you have to wait cris, that will take time. You're such a kid sometimes you know that?"

She shrugged "I don't care."


2 weeks later

The music video was released already and my album at the same time. I can't believe in just how many weeks we finished my first ever album. During the launching of my album, my family was there, joe, chesca, zoe, and of course Cris.
I really want to cry that time but I don't want to ruin the moment.
My funs are there of course, I was surprised that the venue was over crowded because of them. I was so thankful. I thanked them for supporting me. I thanked chris for being with me from the start. It's been a week since the launching of my album.

"Hey baby! You ready?" Cris asked and entered our room

I stood up from our bed and picked our luggage "yup. I'm ready for this vacation."


We are now flying to my private island. We are with my family, chesca, zoe, and joe.

"Hey!" I nudged cris who is engrossed doing god knows to her to phone

"What?" She asked without looking at me

"What are you doing? I'm bored baby."

"I'm reading baby." She said still not looking at me

I leaned my head to her shoulder "what are you reading? Is that more important than your fiance?"

"I'm reading kidnapping the princess. Baby please I need to finish this. Go to jam, talk to her. Don't disturb me."

Wtf?! Really?!!

I sighed and stood up "okay. I think that is more important than talking to me."

I didn't wait for her reply, I started to walk, I walk through the aisle, I chuckled when I saw chesca and zoe snoring next to each other. Mom and dad are sleeping too, as well as joe.
I smiled when I saw jam awake, staring outside the window.
I sat next to her.

"Hey!" I greeted her

She turned her gaze to me "hmmm?"

"I'm bored! Cris is ignoring me. Let's talk please?" I pouted

She laughed a little "okay. What do you want to talk about?"

I shifted my seat and face her "Tell me what's up to you, aside from moving on?"

She rolled her eyes "please dani, if you'll just going to tease me then you better go back to cris who is ignoring you by the way."

I groaned "I'm just kidding! Now tell me."

She sighed "I'm going to transfer school."

"Why?" I asked

"Someone spread that you are my sister, probably my ex did that. All of a sudden they all want to be friends with me. I don't want that kind of attention dani. I just want a normal high school life. This will be my last year in high school, I just want it to be normal." Jam said and bowed her head

I sighed "is it really sucks to be my sister?"

She looked at me, tears was about to go down to her face "It's not like that dani. I'm proud that you're my sister, but I just want a normal life."

I smiled weakly "I understand jam."

She hugged me "thank you dani."

I hugged her back "no need to thank me jam."

She pulled away from the hug "So, when is the wedding?"

"Now it's about me huh?" I teased her

She leaned her head against my shoulder "I want to see little dani and cris already. You better move faster dani."

I chuckled "we're just 18 jam. We agreed that we'll get married after collage."

She slapped my hand "you forgot again, don't you?"

I frowned "what?"

She sighed "you'll be 19 in less 10 hours."

I mentally slapped myself, how can I forget my own birthday?

"I thought you organized this vacation for your birthday." Jam continued

I shook my head "No. I organized this vacation for cris."

Jam changed the topic, we talked about our childhood memories.
We made sure not to laugh too loud, so that we'll not wake the others up. After we talked, I walked back to cris who is sleeping in her seat. I took the seat next to her.
I guided her head and leaned it against my shoulder, Then I closed my eyes.