Just another cliché

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A/N: I'm going to be doing some serious changes to the story a bit so if it doesn't make since at all I apologize. And also this is my first story and I know there are a ton of spelling errors so just try to look past that. Read on!

"Hey,can I have these or will Lucy pitch a bitch fit?"

"I don't know. if not that then she'll find something else to bitch about so take 'em"

"Oo, we can run for cover at that new pizza place over on tracnesters rode"

"Okay, but how do you eat this much and stay so little? It makes no sense. and I don't think that's the name of the road babe"

"So. have you SEEN all the joggers and track people that live down that road. it might as well be"

"Okay Audrey you know what it's so pointless to argue with you"

"Only 'cause I know how to win"

"Whatever go look for food piggy" I snort at her for affect. attractive right.

Walking from the kitchen into the foyer I plop down onto the couch snatching the controller from my little sister and turn the Chanel picking the breakfast club

"Hey,phoebe! Give it back"

"Not until you do your homework" rolling her eyes she grabs the pillow closest to her and throws it at me as soon as it collides with my face she smiles and goes upstairs slamming the door.

"Wow phebs. already managed to piss off two sisters within ten minutes.

"Hey Lucy started it."

"So you punched her in the nose because what? she was gonna go Godzilla on your sandwich and molest all the tiny Asian bread people with her tongue?"

"Hey, many of them could still have their innocence and do you really want to see that taken away from them?"

"Yea well, you heard your mom you have to behave with your siblings and be a good little/big sister"

She says talking in a baby voice while trying to pinch my cheek. Slapping her hand a way I just glare before returning to the couch.

Yep. typical right. seventeen year old girl. loner. gorgeous best friend, and to many siblings who all have daddy issues. I'm the geek-ish type in my school who is known as the weird one, has a fake lesbian relation ship with her best friend/'lover' and loves pissing people off 'cause it makes us laugh. We're not the most liked people around school. Just sayin'.

Alright let's get the intros out of the way. my names phoebe. As I'm sure you knew by now. seventeen years old. have nine siblings all together. yeah my father/step father didn't know how to keep it in their pants. anyways I've got light red a little past chest length naturally curly hair. big doe eyes that are way to big for my face and are an ugly shade of green and the basic piercings. Lip,septum,bellybutton.


"Thanks for reminding me I almost forgot my name mom!"

"Get your skinny arse in here now!"

Just another clichéWhere stories live. Discover now