Kim Myungsoo (L) is the cold hearted young master. Jong Dal Sae is just a maid trying to survive on her own. L and his friends take a new interest in the boring young maid, but some of the Infinite boys take a special interest.
*please note that al...
Dal Sae stood frozen staring blankly at Dahlia and her son. The boys unsure of what to do simply stared at her waiting for her to move, but she couldn't. "Are you okay?" asked sungjong looking at her worriedly. No response. Slowly Dahlia and Yonghwa approached her and as they walked closer to her she took several slight steps back. Once they were a few feet away she clutched onto the arm of the person standing next to her. That person was L.
L confused, turned to face her with the intention of yanking his arm away but as soon as he saw her expression those thoughts disappeared.
L's pov:
Her face had such a blank expression but I could sense fear and uncertainty behind her eyes. Her hand clutched my arm lightly but firmly. I was afraid she might collapse if I moved my arm, so I stood still.
No one's pov:
"Dal Sae! how are you? it's been so long!" She exclaimed, "My, you look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you!". Dal Sae clutched L's arm even tighter and managed to form a smile from her lips.This caught the boys by surprise since she'd seemed so scared before. "Hi Dahlia how are you?" she managed. "I'm doing fine" replied Dahlia. "Hi Dal Sae,it's been a while" said Yonghwa smiling and staring directly into her eyes. "Hi...Yonghwa". To Dal Sae's luck Dahlia's phone started to ring and so they left after a quick goodbye. Before Yonghwa turned to leave, he smiled at her and said, "We still live in the same house, hope you can visit me sometime." In response Dal Sae waved good bye to him saying, "I will". They could all tell she definitely didn't meant it. The Infinite boys just watched him walk away with confusion and a weird unsettling feeling. Her attitude towards Dahlia and Yonghwa made it very clear to them that she didn't like being anywhere near them.
Until they were both out of sight Dal Sae stood like a stone not noticing how the 7 members had stopped everything and were just looking at her waiting for her to move. Once they were completely gone she let go of L's arm and stared at the ground letting out a sigh of relief. She then looked back up and finally realized the situation. "Are you okay?" asked sung Yeol taking a step towards her and putting his hand on her shoulder. L looked at Sungyeol's hand and looked away. For some reason it made him uncomfortable, maybe it was because his own arm was still warm from where Dal Sea had held it.
"Okay, how about we go find some food" suggested Sunggyu in an attempt to change the atmosphere. "Can...I go home?" asked Dal Sae looking at Sungyeol and L. She thought L would easily want to get rid of her even though sungyeol might want her to stay but it was the opposite. "Why?" asked L. "It's okay we'll take you home" said sungyeol finally letting go of her shoulder. "Thank You but I can go on my own, you guys keep shopping. Thank you so much for the day, and the clothes too of course" she said smiling and waving as she turned and started to walk away. They all looked at her walk away. L turned to face Sung jong and he knew very clearly what L wanted. "I'll take her home" said sungjong running after her. L started to walk off in the other direction prompting the others to follow.
Dal Sae's pov:
As I left, I felt guilty for leaving them with only a short thank you. I would just have to make sure to thank them more later, but at that moment I just wanted to be alone. Then Sung Jong came up behind me. "Let's get some ice cream" he said leading me to a shop right outside the mall. I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer so I followed him anyway. Besides, ice cream was just what I needed.
No one's pov:
"ooh let's go in there!" said Dongwoo pointing at a store with very...uncommon fashion. But they went in anyway. "I'm going home" said L starting to leave. "Wait what, why?" asked Woohyun. "I'm tired" he said. "Mind if I come with you?" asked Sunngyu. L didn't even reply but Sunggyu followed him anyway.
"I've never seen you in such a rush to get home", said Sunggyu as they sat in the Taxi. "Are you just going to leave your car here?"~L. "It's fine my driver knows to take the others home"~Sunggyu.
As soon as they arrived L went into the kitchen expecting Dal Sae to be there, she wasn't. She wasn't in the kitchen or her room or the living room or in the bathroom or anywhere in the house. "Worried aren't you?"~SG "Yeah I'm worried There's no one to make me some food"~L. Sunggyu looked at him with his eyebrow raised and pointed at three different maids standing nearby. "They suck at cooking"~L.
No one's pov: "Are you really okay?"~SJ "I'm fine,I'm just...tired"~DS "I can tell you don't want to talk about it right now, but if you ever need someone to talk to I would be more than happy to be that person" said SJ with a smile. "Thank you"~DS Sung Jong and DS spent a while walking around parks and looking into stores until sunggyu called SJ.
"Hey, what did L tell you when you took DS home?"~SG "I haven't yet"~SJ "What?! It's already 9! Take her home!...and get ready to get yelled at"~SG Hangs up "What?...hyung?"~SJ Confused SJ took Dal Sae home.
L's pov: I sat in the living room near the entrance "watching tv". The thing is I was watching the door more than the anime I had waited the entire week for. What exactly was I waiting for?... Or who?
No ones pov:
As Dal Sae and Sung Jong entered through the front door, L got up and stood glaring at SJ who now understood the last thing sunggyu hyung had said over the phone.
"Dal Sae please go get me a glass of water with ice" said L still only looking at SJ. "Ok..." she said walking confused towards the kitchen...he had even said please. "Hyung...I can ex-"~SJ "did she cry?" Asked L unexpectedly. "Huh?"~SJ "Was she okay after leaving?"~L "Yeah...I guess so"~SJ "Okay"~L "Maybe I should go home. I'll say bye to DS and leave trough the kitchen" said SJ trying to walk away but before he was gone L called out just loud enough for the 2 of them to hear, "next time bring her straight home" he said as SJ kept walking towards the kitchen. "K" he replied not even looking at L. SJ left.
Dal Sae walked back into the living room and stretched out her hand with the cup of water. "Here you go" she said waiting. L didn't take the water and just looked at her standing in front of him with her outstretched hand.
Dal Sae's pov: I stood there like a statue waiting for young master rich jerk to take the cup but he just stood there looking at me. Maybe I did something wrong. As I was about to ask what it was I did messed up this time he spoke with a clear and steady voice, "As someone who works for this family it's your responsibility to let me know where you are at all times." "...okay. I'm sorry." I replied lowering the cup that felt heavy now. He then stretched out his hand so I handed him the cup.
No ones pov: L grabbed the cup from Dal Saes hands and quickly drank it all at once as she looked at him like he was crazy. He handed her back the cup and walked away and up the stairs. As he walked up he muttered to himself, "Why am I worrying about her more these days?".
L's pov: Oooow brain freeze! Geez I forgot the water had ice.
Dal Dae's pov: Did...young master just say he was worried about me?"
No one's pov: As L layed in bed he found it hard to fall asleep. He couldn't help but remember how Dal Sae had held his arm. He could still feel her hand shaking.
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