No one's pov:
Early the next morning Dal Sae woke up and quickly headed to the music room to make sure she hadn't missed anything the night before. She entered the room without thinking and was shocked when she saw Sungyeol sitting on one of the couches. He looked up at her and smiled,"good morning" he said. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were here"(bow) she replied and headed out the door again. Sungyeol's smile disappeared faster than it had come. "Wait!" he said," I said hello to you why are you apologizing?".
"Oh so sorry"-Dal Sae
*sigh*"again? Stop apologising I feel like I burdened you with my presence"-Sungyeol
"I'm...uh...good morning to you too, I didn't mean to anger you or make you feel unwanted I was just shocked you were here"-DS (Dal Sae)
"Sorry I came in unannounced I just didn't realise I was this early and I didn't want to wake anyone up. But it seems someone's an early riser, unlike L who sleeps for days and doesn't even shower"-SY (Sungyeol)
"Oh that's Myungsoo's stage name or nickname -SYDal Sae's pov:
It dawned on me that I'd never bothered to learn young master rich Jerk's name much less his stage name.Without warning I started laughing. Prince had said that L didn't shower. He must have thought that I was crazy because he just stared at me while I kept laughing even though it wasn't actually funny at all.
"I'm not like L you know?" he said suddenly, "I wake up early, I shower on a daily basis and most importantly...I don't need apologies from you Dal Sae, I'm your...friend not your employer. You can feel comfortable around me.You can ask for my help if you need it too." And he smiled.
SungYeol's pov:
She...laughs like an angel.

Kim Myungsoo: Black Paper Crane
FanficKim Myungsoo (L) is the cold hearted young master. Jong Dal Sae is just a maid trying to survive on her own. L and his friends take a new interest in the boring young maid, but some of the Infinite boys take a special interest. *please note that al...